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Εμφανίζονται 1 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Ιστορία  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΑΡΧΑΙΑ ΠΙΣΑ Χωριό ΑΡΧΑΙΑ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑ" .

Ιστορία (1)


Pisa war against Eleans for Olympic games

  The people of Pisa brought of themselves disaster on their own heads by their hostility to the Eleans, and by their keenness to preside over the Olympic games instead of them. At the eighth Festival (748 BC) they brought in Pheidon of Argos, the most overbearing of the Greek tyrants, and held the games along with him, while at the thirty-fourth Festival (644 BC) the people of Pisa, with their king Pantaleon the son of Omphalion, collected an army from the neighborhood, and held the Olympic games instead of the Eleans.
  These Festivals, as well as the hundred and fourth (364 BC), which was held by the Arcadians, are called "Non-Olympiads" by the Eleans, who do not include them in a list of Olympiads. At the forty-eighth Festival (588 BC) , Damophon the son of Pantaleon gave the Eleans reasons for suspecting that he was intriguing against them, but when they invaded the land of Pisa with an army he persuaded them by prayers and oaths to return quietly home again
  When Pyrrhus, the son of Pantaleon, succeeded his brother Damophon as king, the people of Pisa of their own accord made war against Elis, and were joined in their revolt from the Eleans by the people of Macistus and Scillus, which are in Triphylia, and by the people of Dyspontium, another vassal community. The list were closely related to the people of Pisa, and it was a tradition of theirs that their founder had been Dysponteus the son of Oenomaus. It was the fate of Pisa, and of all her allies, to be destroyed by the Eleans.
(Paus. 6.22.2-6.22.4)

This extract is from: Pausanias. Description of Greece (ed. W.H.S. Jones, Litt.D., & H.A. Ormerod, 1918). Cited November 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains comments & interesting hyperlinks.

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