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  Echinos village is the geographic center of the villages of Rodopi mountain range. Along with village Miki it is also the shopping and agricultural center of the mountainous area. Having more than 4,000 inhabitants, Echinos is the biggest of the communities, which form the municipality of Miki. It has three mosques, a good marketplace and some social services such as schools and a health station. It is well known for the excellent quality of the produced meat. People here are very friendly, very hospitable and hard working. Most of them work for agriculture producing various agricultural products of excellent quality (tobacco, meat, milk etc).
   Being 26 km away from Xanthi, Echinos is a good starting point for excursions to the nearby villages. In this mountainous area we can find beautiful wild scenery, streams with very clear water and the marvelous arch bridges, which date back to the era of Byzantium. After a 15 km drive through Oak Forest we can reach Thermes, a village divided into three districts. Here, there are baths for spa therapy with modern facilities.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from the Prefecture of Xanthi URL below.

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