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Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


KAINO (Ancient city) VAMOS
  Caeno (Kaino, Diod. v. 76), a city of Crete, which, according to the legend of the purification of Apollo by Carmanor at Tarrha, is supposed to have existed in the neighbourhood of that place and Elyrus. (Comp. Paus.) The Cretan goddess Britomartis was the daughter of Zeus and Carma, granddaughter of Carmanor, and was said to have been born at Caeno. (Diod. l. c.) Mr. Paslley (Trav. vol. ii. p. 270) fixes the site either on the so-called refuge of the Hellenes, or near Haghios Nikolaos, and supposes that Mt. Carma, mentioned by Pliny (xxi. 14), was in the neighbourhood of this town. (Comp. Hoeck, Kreta, vol. i. p. 392.)

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