Shipping Companies | Agents |
Avlemon Shipping ( AV) | Avlemon Shipping - Lavrio Port Ticket Booth (Shipping Agent) LAVRIO, ATTIKI Tel: +30 22920 22472 |
Goutos Lines ( GO) | Krialis Travel & Shipping Agency (Shipping Agent) LAVRIO, ATTIKI Tel: +30 22920 22900, 26200, 60370-1, 26040, |
Hellenic Seaways (H.Q.) ( MF) | Krialis Travel & Shipping Agency (Shipping Agent) LAVRIO, ATTIKI Tel: +30 22920 22900, 26200, 60370-1, 26040, |
Karystia Shipping Co. ( K4) | Krialis Travel & Shipping Agency (Shipping Agent) LAVRIO, ATTIKI Tel: +30 22920 22900, 26200, 60370-1, 26040, |
Magic Sea Ferries ( GS) | Magic Sea Ferries -Lavrio Port Ticket Booth (Shipping Agent) LAVRIO, ATTIKI Tel: +30 22920 60050 |
Useful Information (10)Port AuthorityCentral Port Authority of Lavrio
Tel: +3020400-1
PolicePolice Department of Lavrio
Tel: +30 22920 22100
Port informationTaxi
Tel: +30 22920 25871
Responsible custom authorityCustoms House of Lavrio
Tel: +30 22920 25219, 26333
Medical careLavrio Medical Center
Tel: +30 22920 22222
Port agentsAvlemon Shipping - Lavrio Port Ticket Booth
Tel: +30 22920 22472
Krialis Travel & Shipping Agency
Tel: +30 22920 22900, 26200, 60370-1, 26040,
Saos Ferries - Lavrio Port Ticket Booth
Tel: +30 210 6206427
Magic Sea Ferries -Lavrio Port Ticket Booth
Tel: +30 22920 60050
Navigator (1)Anchorages
Shelter from S to NE winds.
Selected tourism enterprises (1)Travel agenciesDanae Travel Bureau
Tel: +30 210 3247512
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