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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 3 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: UNESCO - World Heritage List  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ Περιφέρεια ΕΛΛΑΔΑ" .

UNESCO - World Heritage List (3)


Mount Athos

Orthodox spiritual centre since 1054, the "Holy Mountain", forbidden to women and children, and with an autonomous statute since Byzantine times, Mount Athos is also a recognised artistic site. The layout of these monasteries (about twenty of which are presently inhabited by 1,400 monks) exercised its influence as far afield as Russia, and its school of painting influenced the history of Orthodox art.

The Archaeological Site of Vergina

ΑΙΓΑΙ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΗΜΑΘΙΑ
The ancient first capital of the kingdom of Macedonia -- the city of Aigai -- was discovered in the last century near Vergina, in northern Greece. The most important remains are the monumental palace, lavishly decorated with mosaics and painted stucco, and the burial ground with more than 300 tumuli, some of which date from the 11th century BC. One of the royal tombs in the Great Tumulus is identified as that of Philip II, who conquered all the Greek cities, paving the way for his son Alexander and the expansion of the Hellenic world.

Ιστορικά μνημεία

Early Christian and Byzantine Monuments

Founded in 315 B.C., Thessalonika, provincial capital and seaport, was one of the first bases for the spread of Christianity. Among its Christian monuments are distinguished churches, built in the Greek cross-plan and a three-nave basilica plan. Constructed over a long period, from the 4th to 15th centuries, they thus constitute a diachronic typological series, which had considerable influence in the Byzantine world. The mosaics of the Rotond, Saint-Demetrius and Saint David's are among the great masterpieces of early Christian art.

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