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Εμφανίζονται 3 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Βιογραφίες  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΒΗΡΥΤΤΟΣ Πόλη ΛΙΒΑΝΟΣ" .

Βιογραφίες (3)


Anatolius, professor of law at Berytus

Anatolius, professor of law at Berytus. In the second preface to the Digest (Const. Tantra.9), he is mentioned by Justinian, with the titles vir illustris, magister, among those who were employed, in compiling that great work, and is complimented as a person descended from an ancient legal stock, since both his father Leontius and his grandfather Eudoxius "optinam sui memoriam in legibus reliquerunt". He wrote notes on the Digest, and a very concise commentary on Justinian's Code. Both of these works are cited in the Basilica. Matthaeus Blastares (in Praef. Syntag.) states, that the "professor (antikensor) Thalelaeus edited the Code at length; Theodorus Hermopolites briefly; Anatolius still more briefly; Isidorus more succinctly than Thalelaeus, but more diffusely than the other two". It is possibly from some misunderstanding or some misquotation of this passage, that Terrasson (Histoire de la Jurisp. Rom.) speaks of an Anatolius different from the contemporary of Justinian, and says that this younger Anatolius was employed by the emperor Phocas, conjointly with Theodorus Hermopolites and Isidorus, to translate Justinian's Code into Greek. This statement, for which we have been able to find no authority, seems to be intrinsically improbable. The Constitutio, Omnem (one of the prefaces of the Digest), bears date A. D. 533, and is addressed, among others, to Theodorus, Isidorus, and Anatolius. Now, it is very unlikely that three jurists of similar name should be employed conjointly by the emperor Phocas, who reigned A. D. 602-610. There was probably some confusion in the mind of Terrasson between the emperor Phocas and a jurist of the same name, who was contemporary with Justinian, and commented upon the Code.
  Anatolius held several offices of importance. He was advocatus fisci, and was one of the majores judices nominated by Justinian in Nov. 82. c. 1. Finally, he filled the office of consul, and was appointed curator divinae domus et rei private. In the exercise of his official functions he became unpopular, by appropriating to himself, under colour of confiscations to the emperor, the effects of deceased persons, to the exclusion of their rightful heirs. He perished in A. D. 557, in an earthquake at Byzantium, whither he had removed his residence from Berytus. (Agath.Hist. v. 3)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Dec 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Dorotheus, professor of law at Berytus

Dorotheus, a celebrated jurist of quaestorian rank, and professor of law at Berytus, was one of the principal compilers of Justinian's Digest, and was invited by the emperor from Berytus to Constantinople for that purpose (Const. Tant.9). He also had a share, along with Tribonian and Theophilus, in the composition of the Institutes (Prooem. Inst. 93). He was one of the professors to whom the Const. Omnem, regulating the new system of legal education was addressed in A. D. 533, and in the following year was employed, conjointly with Tribonian, Menna, Constantinus, and Joannes, to form the second edition of the Code, by the insertion of the fifty decisions, and by such other alterations as were necessary for its improvement (Const. Cordi.2).
  Ant. Augustinus (cited by Suarez, Notit. Basil.29) in his Prolegomena to the Novells of Justinian, asserts that Mat. Blastares ascribes to Dorotheus a Greek interpretation of the Digest, not so extended as that of Stephanus, nor so concise as that of Cyrillus. The passage, however, as represented by Augustinus, is not to be found in the Prooemium of the Syntagma of Blastares, as edited by Bishop Beveridge in the second volume of his Synodicon. Fabrotus (Basil. vi.) asserts without ground, "Dorotheus scripsit to platos"; i. e. a Greek translation of the text of the Digest.
Dorotheus occasionally cites the Code of Justinian. Bach asserts, that he wrote the Index of the Code, but vouches no authority for this assertion, which is doubted by Pohl.
The following list of passages in the Basilica, where Dorotheus is cited, is given by Fabricius:iii. 212, 265; iv. 336, 337, 338, 368, 370, 371, 372, 374, 376, 378, 379, 380, 381, 383, 384, 385, 398, 399, 401, 402, 403, 704; v. 39, 144, 173, 260, 290, 325, 410, 414. 423, 433, 434; vi. 49, 259, 273; vii. 95, 101, 225.
  Dorotheus died in the lifetime of Stephanus, by whom he is termed o makarltes in Bsil. iii. 212.
  Some have believed that a jurist of the same name flourished in a later age, for the untrustworthy Nic. Comnenus Papadopoli (Praenot. Mystag.) cites a scholium of Dorotheus Monachus on the title de testibus in the Compendium Legurm Leonis et Constantini.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Dec 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks



Caenius or Gaianus, a Greek rhetorician and sophist, was a native of Arabia and a disciple of Apsines and Gadara, and he accordingly lived in the reign of the emperors Maximus and Gordianus. He taught rhetoric at Berytus, and wrote several works, such as On Syntax (Peri Suntaxeos), in five books, a System of Rhetoric (Techne Hpetorike), and Declamations (Meletai) ; but no fragments of these works are now extant. (Suidas, s. v. Gaianos; Eudoc.)

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