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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 8 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Ιστορία  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΤΡΟΙΖΗΝΑ Δήμος ΕΛΛΑΔΑ" .

Ιστορία (8)

Καταστροφές του τόπου

By the Athenians

ΤΡΟΙΖΗΝ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΕΛΛΑΔΑ
Putting out from Epidaurus, they (the Athenians) laid waste the territory of Troezen, Halieis, and Hermione, all towns on the coast of Peloponnese, and thence sailing to Prasiai, a maritime town in Laconia, ravaged part of its territory, and took and sacked the place itself; after which they returned home, but found the Peloponnesians gone and no longer in Attica.

By the Argives (419 BC)

...In this year (419 BC) the Argives, charging the Lacedaemonians (1) with not paying the sacrifices to Apollo Pythaeus,(2) declared war on them; and it was at this very time that Alcibiades, the Athenian general, entered Argolis with an army. Adding these troops to their forces, the Argives advanced against Troezen, a city which was an ally of the Lacedaemonians, and after plundering its territory and burning its farm-buildings they returned home. The Lacedaemonians, being incensed at the lawless acts committed against the Troezenians, resolved to go to war against the Argives... (Diod. 12.78.1)
1. The Epidaurians, not the Lacedaemonians (see Thuc. 5.53); but Diodorus frequently uses the term "Lacedaemonian" in a wide sense to refer to any ally of Sparta.
2. The temple is likely the one in Asine, which was the only building spared by the Argives when they razed that city (cp. Paus. 2.36.5; Thuc. 5.53.1).

By Epameinondas

...Epameinondas, who had with him the bravest of the Thebans, with great effort forced back the Lacedaemonians, and cutting through their defence and bringing his army through, passed into the Peloponnese, thereby accomplishing a feat no whit inferior to his former mighty deeds. Having proceeded straightway to Troezen and Epidaurus, he ravaged the countryside but could not seize the cities, for they had garrisons of considerable strength... (Diod. 15.68.5-69.1)


Achaean League

The league, however, did not acquire any great strength until B.C. 251, when Aratus united Sicyon, his native place, with it, and some years later also gained Corinth for it. Megara, Troezen, and Epidaurus soon followed their example. Afterwards Aratus prevailed upon all the more important towns of Peloponnesus to join the confederacy, and Megalopolis, Argos, Hermione, Phlius, and others were added to it. In a short time the league thus reached its highest power, for it embraced Athens, Aegina, Salamis, and the whole of Peloponnesus, with the exception of Sparta, Tegea, Orchomenus, Mantinea, and Elis.

Συμμετοχές σε αγώνες των Ελλήνων:

Naval Battle of Salamis

The following took part in the war: from the Peloponnese... the Troezenians furnished five ships...

(Hdt. 8.43.1)
It was the plan of the Peloponnesians to retire within the peninsula, and to build a wall across the isthmus,and the fleet had withdrawn to Salamis only at the entreaty of the Athenians to allow them time to remove their women and children from Attica. An answer of the oracle of Delphi had advised the Athenians to defend themselves with wooden walls, and Themistocles, who may have suggested the answer of the oracle, also gave it an interpretation, saying that they must take refuge in their fleet. Accordingly he recommended that Athens should be left to the care of its tutelary deity, and that the women, children, and infirm persons should be removed to Salamis, Aegina, and Troezen, which was done. The people of Troezen received most hospitably the fugitives, and provided for their maintenance at the public expense. The united fleet of the Greeks was now assembled at Salamis, consisting both of ships from Artemisium and the navy which was stationed at Troezen; in all three hundred and seventy-eight ships, besides penteconters (Herod. viii. 48).
A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith)

Battle of Plataea

. . . By these one thousand Troezenians were posted, and after them two hundred men of Lepreum

Naval Battle of Artemisium

The Troezenians furnished five ships

Battle of Mycale

Those who fought best after the Athenians were the men of Corinth and Troezen and Sicyon.

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