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Mythology (3)



KYRINI (Ancient city) LIBYA
Antenorides, a patronymic from Antenor, and applied to his sons and descendants. (Virg. Aen. vi. 484; Hom. Il. xi. 221.) At Cyrene, where Antenor according to some accounts had settled after the destruction of Troy, the Antenoridae enjoyed heroic honours. (Pind. Pyth. v. 108)

Gods & demigods

Aristaeus & Autonoe

Aristaeus (Aristaios), an ancient divinity worshipped in various parts of Greece, as in Thessaly, Ceos, and Boeotia, but especially in the islands of the Aegean, Ionian, and Adriatic seas, which had once been inhabited by Pelasgians. The different accounts about Aristaeus, who once was a mortal, and ascended to the dignity of a god through the benefits he had conferred upon mankind, seem to have arisen in different places and independently of one another, so that they referred to several distinct beings, who were subsequently identified and united into one. He is described either as a son of Uranus and Ge, or according to a more general tradition, as the son of Apollo by Cyrene, the grand-daughter of Peneius. Other, but more local traditions, call his father Cheiron or Carystus (Diod. iv. 81, &c.; Apollon. Rhod. iii. 500, &c. with the Schol.; Pind. Pyth ix. 45, &c.). The stories about his youth are very marvellous, and shew him at once as the favourite of the gods. His mother Cyrene had been carried off by Apollo from mount Pelion, where he found her boldly fighting with a lion, to Libya, where Cyrene was named after her, and where she gave birth to Aristaeus. After he had grown up, Aristaeus went to Thebes in Boeotia, where he learned from Cheiron and the muses the arts of healing and prophecy. According to some statements he married Autonoe, the daughter of Cadmus, who bore him several sons, Charmus, Calaicarpus, Actaeon, and Polydorus (Hesiod. Theog. 975). After the unfortunate death of his son Actaeon, he left Thebes and went to Ceos, whose inhabitants he delivered from a destructive drought, by erecting an altar to Zeus Icmaeus. This gave rise to an identification of Aristaeus with Zeus in Ceos. From thence he returned to Libya, where his mother prepared for him a fleet, with which he sailed to Sicily, visited several islands of the Mediterranean, and for a time ruled over Sardinia. From these islands his worship spread over Magna Graecia and other Greek colonies. At last he went to Thrace, where he became initiated in the mysteries of Dionysus, and after having dwelled for some time near mount Haemus, where he founded the town of Aristaeon, he disappeared (Comp. Paus. x. 17.3). Aristaeus is one of the most beneficent divinities in ancient mythology: he was worshipped as the protector of flocks and shepherds, of vine and olive plantations; he taught men to hunt and keep bees, and averted from the fields the burning heat of the sun and other causes of destruction; he was a Deos nomios, agreus, and alexeter. The benefits which he conferred upon man, differed in different places according to their especial wants: Ceos, which was much exposed to heat and droughts, received through him rain and refreshing winds; in Thessaly and Arcadia he was the protector of the flocks and bees (Virg. Georg. i. 14, iv. 283, 317). Justin (xiii. 7) throws everything into confusion by describing Nomios and Agreus, which are only surnames of Aristaeus, as his brothers.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Historic figures


Cyrene. The daughter of Hypseus and Chlidanope, Cyrene was not the least bit interested in men and marriage, and was completely dedicated to hunting on Mt. Pelion.
  One day Apollo was out walking, and saw Cyrene wrestling with a lion. This was too much for the god, and he abducted the young woman and made her queen of Libya, where a city with her name was founded.
  Cyrene bore Apollo two sons: Aristaeus and Idmon. The former was a hunter like his mother, while the latter took after his father and had the gifts of prophecy and healing, and also was one of the Argonauts. Idmon was widely worshipped, and was killed by a snake in the country of the Mariandynians.
  By Ares Cyrene had Diomedes, who became king in Thrace, where he fed his horses with human flesh.

This text is cited Sept 2003 from the In2Greece URL below.

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