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Εμφανίζονται 3 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Θρησκευτικές βιογραφίες  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΥΠΟΛΙΣ Αρχαία πόλη ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ" .

Θρησκευτικές βιογραφίες (3)


Germanus, bishop of Adrianople A. D. 1267

Germanus, of Constantinople, was bishop of Adrianople, and a friend of the emperor Michael Palaeologus, at whose solicitation he was elected patriarch of Constantinople by a synod held A. D. 1267. He unwillingly accepted the office; and resigned it within a few months, and retired to a monastery, in consequence of the opposition made to his appointment, either on the ground of some irregularity in his translation, or more probably of his holding the patriarchate, while his deposed predecessor, Arsenius, was living. He was a learned man, of mild disposition, polished manners, and irreproachable morals. He was afterwards one of the ambassadors of the emperor to the fourteenth General Council, that of Lyon (A. D. 1277), and there supported the union of the Greek and Latin churches. He does not appear to have left any writings, but the Decreta of Germanus II. of Constantinople, contained in the Jus Graeco-Romanum of Leunclavius, have been sometimes improperly ascribed to him. (Niceph. Gregor. Hist. Byzant. iv. 5, 8; Georg. Phranza, Chronicon, i. 3; Fabr. Bibl. Gr. vol. xi., &c., L'Art de Verifier les Dates.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Nov 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Lucius (Loukios) bishop of Adrianople

Lucius (Loukios) of Adrianople or Hadrianople, was bishop of that city in the fourth century, succeeding, though Tillemont doubts if immediately, St. Eutropius. He was expelled from his see by the Arian party, then predominant in the East, under the emperor Constantius II., the son of Constantine the Great; and went to Rome to lay his cause before the pope, Julius I., apparently in the year 340 or 341. Several other bishops were at Rome on a similar errand, about the same time; and the pope, having satisfied himself or their innocence and of their orthodoxy, sent them back to their respective churches, with letters requiring their restoration, and other letters rebuking their persecutors. The Oriental bishops appear to have rejected the pope's authority, and sent him back a remonstrance against his rebukes. Lucius, however, recovered his see by the authority of the emperor Constantius, who was constrained to restore him by the threats of his brother Constans, then emperor of the West. This restoration is placed Tillemont before the council of Sardica, A. D. 347. When the death of Constans (A. D. 350) was known in the East, the Arian party, whom Lucius had provoked by the boldness and severity of his attacks, deposed him, bound him neck and hands with irons (as they had done at least once before), and in that condition banished him. He died in exile. The Romish church commemorates him as a martyr on the eleventh of February. (Athanas. Apolog. de Fuga sua, c. 3, and Hist. Arianor. ad Monach. c. 19; Socrat. H. E. ii. 15, 23, 26; Sozomen. H. E. iii. 8, 24, iv. 2; Theodoret, H. E. ii. 15; Tillemont, Memoires, vols. vi. and vii.; Bolland, Acta Sanctorum Februarii, vol. ii. p. 519, Epistolae Julii Papae et Orient. Episc. apud Concilia, vol. ii. col. 475, &c. ed. Labbe.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2006 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Ammon, Bishop of Hadrianople

Ammon, Bishop of Hadrianople, A. D. 400, wrote (in Greek) On the Resurrection against Origenism (not extant). A fragment of Ammon, from this work possibly, may be found ap. S. Cyril. Alex. Lib. de Recta Fide. He was present at the Council of Constantinople A. D. 394, held on occasion of the dedication of Rutinus's church, near Chalcedon.

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