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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 2 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Θρησκευτικές βιογραφίες  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΑΡΓΟΛΙΔΑ Νομός ΠΕΛΟΠΟΝΝΗΣΟΣ" .

Θρησκευτικές βιογραφίες (2)


Αγιος Πέτρος Αργους (3 Μαϊου)

Κληρικός και επίσκοπος Αργους (914 - 922).


Petrus of Argos (790 m.X.)

Petrus of Argos. There were two bishops of Argos of the name of Peter, authors of works extant in MS. or print. One of these wrote an Elogium Cosmae et Damiani SS. Anargyrorumn in Asia s. Oratio in sanctos et gloriosos Anargyros et Thaumaturgos Cosmum et Damianum, which has never been printed (Fabric. Bibl. Grace.vol. x. p. 214, vol. xi. p. 336; Cave, Hist. Litt. vol. ii. Dissert. i. p. 15). The other, who is termed Petrus Siculus or Peter the Sicilian, and acquired his bishopric after A. D. 790, wrote a life of St. Athanasius, bishop of Methone in the Peloponnesus ; and is probably the same person as the Petrus Siculus who was sent by the emperor Basil the Macedonian to Tabrica in the district or on the frontier of Melitene near the Euphrates, to negotiate an exchange of prisoners, apparently with the chiefs of the Paulicians ; a purpose which, after a residence of nine months, he effected. He wrote an account of the Paulicians, or as he designated them, Manichaeans. Both these works have been published in a Latin version:
1. The life of St. Athanasius is given in the Latin version of the jesuit Franciscus Blanditius in the Acta Sanctorum of the Bollandists, Januar. vol. ii. p. 1125, &c. It is entitled Petri Siculi, humillimi Argirorum Episcopi, Funebris Oratio in B. Athanacsium, Methones Episcopum.
2. The account of the Paulicians was translated into Latin, and published by Matthaeus Raderus, 4to. Ingolstadt, 1604. and has been reprinted in various editions of the Bibliotheca Patrum. It is entitled Petri Siculi Historia de vane et stolida Manichaeorum Haeresi tanquam Archiepiscopo Bulgarorum nuncupata. It is in the sixteenth volume of the Lyon edition of the Bibliotheca, fol. 1677. It is to be observed that Le Quien considers the Elogium SS. Cosmace et Damiani to be by Petrus Siculus, and not by another Peter. (Miraeus, Auctarium de Scriptor. Eccles. c. 256; Vossius, De Historicis Graecis, lib. iv. c. 19; Cave, Hist. Litt. ad ann. 870, vol. ii. p. 55; Acta Sanctorum, l. c. ; Fabric. Biblioth. Grace. vol. x. p. 201; Le Quien, Oriens Christianus, vol. ii. col. 184.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited June 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

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