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Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο (5)

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)

Alalia, Aleria

ΑΛΑΛΙΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΚΟΡΣΙΚΗ
  Aleria or Alalia (Alalie, Herod.; Allalia, Steph. B.; Aleria, Ptol.: Allaliaios, Steph. B.), one of the chief cities of Corsica, situated on the E. coast of the island, near the mouth of the river Rhotanus (Tavignano). It was originally a Greek colony, founded about B.C. 564, by the Phocaeans of Ionia. Twenty years later, when the parent city was captured by Harpagus, a large portion of its inhabitants repaired to their colony of Alalia, where they dwelt for five years, but their piratical conduct involved them in hostilities with the Tyrrhenians and Carthaginians; and in a great sea-fight with the combined fleets of these two nations they suffered such heavy loss, as induced them to abandon the island, and repair to the S. of Italy, where they ultimately established themselves at Velia in Lucania. (Herod. i. 165-167; Steph. B.; Diod. v. 13, where Kalaris is evidently a corrupt reading for Alapia.) No further mention is found of the Greek colony, but the city appears again, under the Roman form of the name, Aleria, during the first Punic war, when it was captured by the Roman fleet under L. Scipio, in B.C. 259, an event which led to the submission of the whole island, and was deemed worthy to be expressly mentioned in his epitaph. (Zonar. viii. 11; Flor. ii. 2; Orell. Inscr. no. 552.) It subsequently received a Roman colony under the dictator Sulla, and appears to have retained its colonial rank, and continued to be one of the chief cities of Corsica under the Roman Empire. (Plin. iii. 6. s. 12; Mela, ii. 7; Diod. v. 13; Seneca, Cons. ad Helv. 8; Ptol. iii. 2. § 5; Itin. Ant. p. 85.)
  Its ruins are still visible near the south bank of the river Tavignano: they are now above half a mile from the coast, though it was in the Roman times a seaport.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited July 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


One of the chief towns of Corsica, on the east of the island, founded by the Phocaeans in B.C. 564, and made a Roman colony by Sulla.

Perseus Project index

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


  Half way down the E coast of Corsica, opposite the W shores of Etruria, it was first a Greek, then a Roman colony. According to Herodotos (1.162-67), a group of settlers from Phokaia established themselves on the site about twenty years before the campaigns conducted by the Persian king Cyrus against the Greek cities of Ionia, in other words about 565-560. They were joined around 545-540 by part of the population of the besieged Phokaia. By practicing piracy in Etruscan territory and among the Carthaginian possessions in Sardinia, the Greeks of Alalia provoked a punitive expedition by the Punic and Etruscan fleets. The battle of Alalia (about 535) was a costly Pyrrhic victory for the Phokaians. Contrary to Herodotos' assertions, it does not appear that the whole population then left Alalia, first for Rhegion, then Velia (Elea). Certainly Etruscans, and possibly Carthaginians, came to join the Greek and native elements. They made Alalia a very active, cosmopolitan port. After a short period of Carthaginian control, Rome took the town ca. 259 B.C. (the epitaph of L. Cornelius Scipio: HEC CEPIT CORSICA(M) ALERIA(M)QUE URBEM: CIL 1.32). In 81 Aleria, which had resisted Sulla, became a military colony. First Caesar, then Augustus made new settlements and the town took the name of Colonia Veneria Julia Pacensis Restituta Tertianorum Aleria. Augustus established a detachment of the Misenum fleet there. The development of the port of Ostia led little by little to the economic decline of Aleria, but it remained the political and administrative capital of Corsica under the Empire.
  The town and its vicinity have been systematically explored since 1955. The first phase of occupation of the site by the Phokaians has left no remains except for a stratigraphic level found in deep test pits made under the Roman town. It corresponds to the 6th c. B.C. and is characterized by sherds of Ionian, Phokaian, Rhodian, and Attic black-figure ware. Neither the dwellings nor the tombs of this period have been brought to light as yet. However, the excavation of the necropolis of Casabianda, whose access road has been cleared, has permitted the discovery of tombs cut into the rock. They include a dromos, an antechamber (sometimes double), and a chamber furnished with benches. Low brick walls blocked the entrances. Some of these tombs retain traces of pictorial decoration. The oldest goes back to the end of the archaic or the beginning of the Classical period. The grave goods include works of the very first rank: jewels, weapons, metal artifacts, bronze and ceramic plates and dishes--in particular, Attic cups, rhytons, kraters with little columns, etc. They are decorated by artists such as the painters of Pan, Alkimakos, Kalliope, Myson, and many others. They are all exceptional works which are not found in such abundance except on the largest Etruscan sites, and can be seen in the Aleria Museum.
  In addition to the Casabianda necropolis, others prove the continuity of occupation. No break appears in the material from the 5th c. B.C. until the 3d or 4th c. A.D. Even more, the enormous quantity and high value of the grave goods show that before the Roman conquest Alalia was a center of importance. Further excavations should permit the extrication of the sites and architecture of the Greek and Hellenistic town. At the same time, they should provide an answer to a difficult problem: what importance should be assigned to an Etruscan presence, attested until now only by a very small proportion of the finds and by graffiti still under study. The Roman town (no doubt like the earlier settlements) grew up on a plateau ca. 3 km long. At its foot the river Tavignano describes a large curve, and the commercial port was established inside this elbow. In relation to the port a mansio was created, the baths of which have been discovered (the so-called Baths of Santa Laurina). The war fleet anchored in the pool of Diana.
  The Roman colony is still only incompletely excavated. A part of the ramparts is visible to the W, on both sides of the Praetorian Gate which passed over the decumanus. This last has been followed until it crosses the cardo just outside the forum on its S side. The forum has the shape of a slightly irregular trapezoid 92 m long, orientated E-W. After its founding by Sulla, it underwent numerous rearrangements.
  The E side is occupied by a temple, whose podium in opus incertum has survived. Probably it was a Temple to Augustus and Rome (an inscription to a flamen of Caracalla), and raised in the time of Hadrian. The N and S sides of the square are adorned with porticos with brick columns. The W ends of the porticos stand against two monuments of uncertain nature (a small temple to the N and an office of the aediles to the S ?). Near them are two arches: a S arch marking the beginning of the cardo and a second one, to the N and orientated to the W, which gives access to the praetorium. This edifice occupies all of the W part of the forum, to a depth of about 50 m. There are three porticos surrounding a vast central court with a complex system of basins, cisterns, and nymphaea. The NW corner contained chambers possibly used as strong rooms. The W portico was altered at a late date in order to permit the construction of a new tribunal.
  Several buildings have been excavated outside the forum. The most important of these is located N of the praetorium and stands 5 m higher than it. It includes two large cisterns, chambers adorned with mosaics, tabernae, and bath pools with hypocausts. Tradition places the apartments of the governor there; it is certain that this bath could not have been public. Perhaps it was the theater of the events reported by Tacitus (Hist. 2.16), the assassination in the baths of the procurator Decimus Pacarius. To the W was an establishment which included many basins and contained an enormous quantity of shells; it must have been a preserving and salting factory. North of the Temple of Augustus and Rome, the so-called House of the Dolium has been excavated. Its oldest level has pavings of opus signinum decorated with white lapilli and goes back to the period of Sulla. A second level dates to the 1st c. A.D. and contains the outline of a house with a peristyle. South of the temple another house (the House of the Impluvium) has been only partly excavated. Also noteworthy are the foundations of a small Early Christian chapel with an apse, on top of the remains of the N portico and virtually touching the temple. Other monuments have been identified but not cleared. Notable examples are the amphitheater, near the S gate of the ramparts, and a mausoleum situated outside the W sector of the fortifications.
  In the modern village the fort of Matra contains the museum, where the rich collections from the necropoleis and the products of the excavations in the town are on exhibit.

C. Goudineau, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

Σελίδες εμπορικού κόμβου


This city was founded by the Phocaean in about 565 B.C. It was the first commercial syndicate created in Corsica. The indigenous population, ensconced in the mountains, do not take much advantage of the richness and diversity of this international metropolis. Situated at the crossroads of the major trade routes of the Old World, it is immediately coveted by the Etruscans of Tuscany who are allied to the Carthaginians of Africa. The contribution of these successive civilizations is remarkable. Democratic processes, artistic and technical achievments with the notable development of the Eastern plain through the cultivation of vine and olive trees. Mineral extraction and fishing industries are all developed at this time. Then the people of Syracuse who came from neighbouring Sicily arrive. They in turn are ousted by the same Carthaginians (280 B.C.).

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