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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 11 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΑΛΙΑΡΤΟΣ Κωμόπολη ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑ" .

Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο (11)

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


  Haliartos: Eth. Haliartios. A town of Boeotia, and one of the cities of the confederation, was situated on the southern side of the lake Copais in a pass between the mountain and the lake. (Strab. ix. p. 411.) It is mentioned by Homer, who gives it the epithet poieeis in consequence of its well-watered meadows. (Hom. Il. ii. 503, Hymn. in Apoll. 243.) In the invasion of Greece by Xerxes (B.C. 484) it was the only town that remained true to the cause of Greece, and was in consequence destroyed by the Persians. (Paus. ix. 32. § 5.) It was, however, soon rebuilt, and in the Peloponnesian War appears as one of the chief cities of Boeotia. (Thuc. iv. 95.) It is chiefly memorable in history on account of the battle fought under its walls between Lysander and the Thebans, in which the former was slain, B.C. 395. (Xen. Hell. iii. 5. 17, seq.; Diod. xiv. 81; Plut. Lys. 28, 29; Paus. iii. 5. §3, ix. 32. § 5). In B.C. 171 Haliartus was destroyed a second time. Having espoused the cause of Perseus, it was taken by the Roman praetor Lucretius, who sold the inhabitants as slaves, carried off its statues, paintings, and other works of art, and razed it to the ground. Its territory was afterwards given to the Athenians, and it never recovered its former prosperity. (Polyb. xxx. 18; Liv. xlii. 63; Strab. ix. p. 411.) Strabo speaks of it as no longer in existence in his time, and Pausanias, in his account of the place, mentions only a heroum of Lysander, and some ruined temples which had been burnt by the Persians and had been purposely left in that state. (Paus. ix. 33. § § 1,3, x. 35. §2.).
  The Haliartia, or territory of Haliartus, was a very fertile plain, watered by numerous streams flowing into the lake Copais, which in this part was hence called the Haliartian marsh. (Strab. ix. pp. 407, 411.) These streams, which bore the names of Ocalea, Lophis, Hoplites, Permessus, and Olmeius, have been spoken of elselwhere. The territory of Haliartus extended westward to Mt. Tilphossium, since Pausanias says that the Haliartians had a sanctuary of the goddesses called Praxidicae situated near this mountain. (Paus. ix. 33. § 3.) The towns Peteon, Medeon, Ocalea, and Onchestus were situated in the territory of Haliartus.
  The remains of Haliartus are situated upon a hill about a mile from the village of Mazi, on the road from Thebes to Lebadeia, and at the distance of about 15 miles from either place. The hill of Haliartus is. not more than 50 feet above the lake. Leake says, that towards the lake the hill of Haliartus terminates in rocky cliffs, but on the other sides has a gradual acclivity. Some remains of the walls of the Acropolis, chiefly of polygonal masonry, are found on the summit of the hill; and there are several sepulchral crypts in the cliffs, below which, to the north, issues a copious source of water, flowing to the marsh, like all the other streams near the site of Haliartus. Although the walls of the exterior town are scarcely anywhere traceable, its extent is naturally marked to the east and west by two small rivers, of which that to the west issues from the foot of the hill of Mazi; the eastern, called the Kefalari, has its origin in Mount Helicon. Near the left bank of this stream, at a distance of 500 yards from the Acropolis, are a ruined mosque and two ruined churches, on the site of a village which, though long since abandoned, is shown by these remains to have been once inhabited by both Greeks and Turks. Here are many fragments of architecture and of inscribed stones, collected formerly from the ruins of Haliartus. From this spot there is a distance of about three-quarters of a mile to a tumulus westward of the Acropolis, where are several sarcophagi and ancient foundations near some sources of waters, marking probably the site. of the western entrance of the city.
  The stream which flowed on the western side of the city is the one called Hoplites by Plutarch, where Lysander fell, and is apparently the same as the Lophis of Pausanias. (Plut. Lys. 29; Paus. ix. 33. § 4.) The stream on the eastern side, called Kefalari, is formed by the union of two rivulets, which appear to be the Permessus and Olmeius, which are described by Strabo as flowing from Helicon, and after their union entering the. lake Copais near Haliartus. (Strab. ix. pp. 407, 411.) The tumulus, of which Leake speaks, perhaps covers those who were killed along with Lysander, since it was near this spot that the battle was fought.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited May 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


ΜΕΔΕΩΝ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑ
  Medeon: Eth. Medeonios. An ancient town of Boeotia, mentioned by Homer (Il. ii. 501), is described by Strabo as a dependency of Haliartus, and situated near Onchestus, at the foot of Mt. Phoenicium, from which position it was afterwards called Phoenicis (ix. pp. 410, 423; comp. Steph. B. s. v.; Plin. iv. 7. s. 12). It appears to have stood near the lake, in the bay on the north-western side of Mount Faga, between the site of Haliartus and Kardhitza.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited June 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


ΩΚΑΛΕΗ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑ
Ocalea, Ocaleia (Okalea, Okaleia: Eth. Okaleus). An ancient city of Boeotia, mentioned by Homer, situated upon a small stream of the same name, at an equal distance from Haliartus and Alalcomenae. It lay in the middle of a long narrow plain, bounded on the east by the heights of Haliartus, on the west by the mountain Tilphossium, on the south by a range of low hills, and on the north by the lake Copais. This town was dependent upon Haliartus. The name is probably only a dialectic form of Oechalia. Its site is indicated by several squared blocks on the right bank of the stream.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited June 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


An ancient town in Boeotia, south of the lake Copais, destroyed by Xerxes in his invasion of Greece (B.C. 480), but afterwards rebuilt. Under its walls Lysander lost his life (395).


ΜΕΔΕΩΝ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑ
A town in Boeotia, near Onchestus and Lake Copais.


ΩΚΑΛΕΗ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑ
(Okalea). An ancient town in Boeotia, situated on a river of the same name falling into Lake Copais.

Perseus Project

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


  A city in the central part of the region, near modern Haliartos, 20 km W of Thebes on the Levadhia road, at the edge of ancient Lake Kopais.
  Founded before the Mycenaean period and contemporary with Orchomenos, the city very soon passed under the control of Thebes; it was one of the first to mint silver coins bearing the Boiotian shield, the emblem of the Confederacy (6th c. B.C.). Spared by the Persians in 480, it became one of the 11 Boiotian districts, with Koronea and Lebadeia, from 447 to 387 and then from 371 to 338. At the beginning of the Corinthian War (395) Lysander and the Spartan army joined battle with the Boiotians under the walls of Haliartos, and he was killed there. During the Third Macedonian War Haliartos joined forces with Perseus against Rome: the praetor C. Lucretius razed the town, destroyed the garrison, and sold 2,500 citizens as slaves. Its territory was given to Athens, which administered it through an epimeletes and sent colonists there. The city was never rebuilt.   
  The acropolis is on a low hill to the W of the modern town between the highway and the railroad; it controlled traffic between N and S Greece. The Mycenaean acropolis (ca. 250 x 150 m) is situated at the highest point of the hill; its rampart is well preserved to the S and W. On the W side of the hill is a second type of wall composed of large quadrangular blocks laid in more or less horizontal courses; it dates from the 7th c. B.C. On the S slope and at the SE corner are remains of two towers; the masonry here is polygonal and very workmanlike, the stones being laid on one or two courses of wide, flat rectangular blocks. It possibly dates from the end of the 6th or beginning of the 5th c. A fourth type of wall, of which only the foundations remain, was made of blocks of crumbly red or yellow limestone (tower near the SW corner). To the W, 100 m from the NW corner, was a gate 3.50 m wide. Built in the 4th c., this rampart was razed by the Romans in 171 B.C. On its surface can be seen significant traces of an Imperial or Byzantine wall made of small rocks bonded with mortar.
  At the very top of the acropolis, excavations have uncovered (1926-30) a Temple of Athena surrounded by a peribolos wall, a large building, and the passageway that served both; everything had been razed, no doubt in 171 B.C. The temple, which was built in the 6th c., was distyle in antis; it was of the archaic elongated shape (7.10 x 18 m) and open to the E. Several regular courses of limestone have been preserved, on poros foundations. Fragments of poros columns and some architectural terracottas were found to the E. Along the N wall are the foundations of an earlier temple (7th c.?). The peribolos wall, which is rectilinear to the S (36 m) and a flat semicircle to the N, is of fine polygonal masonry laid in horizontal courses. To the S of the temple is a large building (21 m N-S, 8.90 m E-W) with polygonal walls of the same type, dressed on both sides. Two doorways opened in the E wall. Inside the building four wooden pillars on square stone bases supported the roof. Its purpose is unknown. A large store of vases, lamps, and terracottas at the W foot of the peribolos shows that the Temple of Athena was used from the 6th to the beginning of the 2d c. B.C. A small necropolis, SE of the acropolis, provides evidence that the site was occupied in Roman times.
  E of Haliartos, on the chain dividing Lake Kopais from the Teneric Plain, was the very ancient Temple of Poseidon Onchestios; it was the center of the Boiotian Confederacy from 338 to 146.

This is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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