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Εμφανίζονται 100 (επί συνόλου 122) τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα:  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΠΕΛΟΠΟΝΝΗΣΟΣ Περιφέρεια ΕΛΛΑΔΑ" .

Αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα: (122)

Beazley Archive Pottery & Sculpture

Αγάλματα & ανάγλυφες παραστάσεις του Ηρακλή

ΑΡΓΟΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΑΡΓΟΛΙΔΑ

Αγαλμα Κλέοβι

Προτομή Ασκληπιού

London, British Museum

Γλυπτά από το ναό του Ασκληπιού

Αγάλματα & ανάγλυφες παραστάσεις της Ηρας


Αττικά αγγεία

808 αγγεία ευρέθησαν στην Κόρινθο.

Αγάλματα & ανάγλυφες παραστάσεις του Ερμή


Γλυπτά από την Ακρόπολη των Μυκηνών

ΜΥΚΗΝΕΣ (Μυκηναϊκό ανάκτορο) ΑΡΓΟΛΙΔΑ

Προτομή του Λεωνίδα

ΣΠΑΡΤΗ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΛΑΚΩΝΙΑ

Γλυπτά από το ναό της Αθηνάς

ΤΕΓΕΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΑΡΚΑΔΙΑ


Αρχαιολογικοί θησαυροί Αρκαδίας



Mycenaean Public and Funerary Architecture

ΜΥΚΗΝΕΣ (Μυκηναϊκό ανάκτορο) ΑΡΓΟΛΙΔΑ

Mycenaean Pictorial Art and Pottery

Mycenaean Residential Architecture

Mycenaean Tholos Tombs & Early Settlements

Mycenaean & Cycladic Religious Architecture

Αποδείξεις ναυσιπλοϊας από ευρήματα


Perseus Coin Catalog

Hemidrachm, Silver, ca. 350 BC

Collection: Arthur S. Dewing Collection. Obverse Type: Laureate head of Asklepios, profile to the left

Corinth [15 Coins]-Perseus Coin Catalog

Sikyon [3 Coins]-Perseus Coin Catalog

ΦΛΙΟΥΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΝΕΜΕΑ
Phlious [2 Coins]-Perseus Coin Catalog

Perseus Sculpture Catalog

Relief with funeral banquet

ΑΡΓΟΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΑΡΓΟΛΙΔΑ
Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: A male figure on a bed and a female figure on a stool, at a banquet. Found at Argos

Kleobis & Biton

Collection: Delphi Archaeological Museum, Context: From Delphi, Signed by [Poly]medes of Argos

Lion's head spout from a gutter

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Frontal head of a lion, with his tongue protruding. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios


Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Hygiaia feeding her snake. Found at Epidauros

Woman (Aura or Nereid?) seated on a Dolphin (?)

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Torso of a female figure seated on the back of a dolphin (?), wearing a thin belted peplos, and lifting the edge of her drapery with her left hand. Akroteria from the Temple of Asklepios at Epidauros

Statue of a goddess seated on rock

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Torso of a female figure seated on a rock, wearing a belted chiton, holding her himation over her shoulder. Found at Epidauros (in 1838)

Munich variant of Aphrodite of Epidauros

Collection: Munich, Glyptothek. Subject: Aphrodite of Epidauros

Bronze statue of an athlete with ball

Collection: Berlin, Antikenmuseen. Subject: Nude athlete stands with relaxed right leg advanced, and holds a ball in his left hand. Findspot: Said to be from Ligurio (Epidauros)

Ανάγλυφο με τον Ασκληπιό και την Αθηνά

Γύρω στα 400 - 350 π.Χ. Βρέθηκε στο ιερό του Ασκληπιού το 1884. Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο.

Votive relief to Asklepios and others

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Asklepios, Epione, Hippolytos (?), and a horse and groom. Found at Epidauros, Asklepieion (in 1885)

Relief of baby Asklepios

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Excavated at Epidauros, Asklepieion

Three sided relief from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Asklepios and goddesses. Found at Epidauros

Votive relief with Asklepios and family

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Aslkepios and his family approached by worshippers. Found at Epidauros (in 1885)

Votive relief to Hygieia (?)

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Hygieia (?) and three worshippers. Found at Epidauros

Relief showing seated Asklepios

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Asklepios seated on a throne. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

Votive of King Cutius

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Two ears. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios, Northeast of the Temple of Asklepios

Pedimental and akroterial sculptures

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Pedimental and akroterial sculptures. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios (between 1882 and 1884)

Akroteria from the Temple of Asklepios

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Windblown figures. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios (between 1882 and 1884)

Akroterion (?) from the Temple of Asklepios

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Winged Nike with a windblown himation. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios (between 1882 and 1884)

West? central akroterion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Title: (West?) central akroterion from the Temple of Asklepios at Epidauros. Subject: Female figure, perhaps Nike, holding a bird. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

West? corner akroterion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Title: (West?) corner akroterion from the Temple of Asklepios at Epidauros. Subject: Female figure, perhaps Aura (personified breeze) on the back of a horse. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

1. Pedimental figure from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Wounded Amazon. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

2. Pedimental figure from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Head of Priam being pulled by the hand of a Greek. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

3. Pedimental figure from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Female figure, perhaps Hecuba, resting on her knees. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

4. Pedimental figure from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Trojan woman attacking a Greek warrior. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

5. Pedimental figure from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Dead body of a nude youth. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

6. Pedimental figures from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: A woman bending to protect a small kneeling girl. Subject: A woman bending to protect a small kneeling girl

Central West Pediment figure

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: An Amazon, perhaps Penthesilea, riding 3/4-view to the right. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

East Pediment from the Temple of Asklepios

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Iliupersis. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios (between 1882 and 1884).

West Pediment from the Temple of Asklepios

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Amazonomachy. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios (between 1882 and 1884)

Akroteria from the Temple of Artemis

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Flying Nikai. Found at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

1. Akroterion from the Temple of Artemis

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Flying Nike with her right leg slightly advanced, wearing a high belted chiton. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

2. Akroterion from the Temple of Artemis

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Flying Nike. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

Central akroterion from the Temple of Artemis

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Flying Nike. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

Votive relief

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum

Satyr (Bronze, Free-standing statue)

Collection: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Subject: Satyr with one arm raised, another on his hip. Findspot: Said to be from Epidauros

Head of Hera

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Artist: Attributed to the school of Polykleitos, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

1. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

2. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

3. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Head with mouth open, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

4. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Head of a warrior with a helmet, nd at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

5. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Head of an Amazon, wearing a pointed (Phrygian) cap, turning to the left, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

6. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

7. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

1. Torso from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Torso of an Amazon wearing a chitoniskos over one shoulder (and breast) in a frontal pose, turning her leg to the left. Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

2. Torso from the Argive Heraion

3. Torso from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, A Greek warrior in a frontal pose, with his head to the right, next to a painted, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

Torso of the Palladion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Female figure wearing a himation over a sleeved chiton, being grasped by a bare arm. Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

Metope from Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Subject: A Greek warrior struggling with an Amazon who runs to the right. Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

East Metopes from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, subject: Gigantomachy. Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

West Metopes from the Argive Heraion

Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum, subject: (Trojan?) Amazonomachy, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

East Pediment from the Argive Heraion

Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum, subject: Birth of Zeus. Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

West Pediment from the Argive Heraion

Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Subject: Sack of Troy. Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

Sculptures from the Argive Heraion

Αγαλμα Αφροδίτης


Metopes from Mycenae

ΜΥΚΗΝΕΣ (Μυκηναϊκό ανάκτορο) ΑΡΓΟΛΙΔΑ
Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Subject: Battle scenes, perhaps the Iliupersis. Found at (Temple of Athena) Mycenae (from 1886 to 1897)

Metope from Mycenae

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Helmet and hand of a warrior. Excavated at Mycenae (in 1955)

Painted Female Head

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Excavated at Mycenae

Weary Herakles type


Hermes Kriophoros

ΣΠΑΡΤΗ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΛΑΚΩΝΙΑ
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, collection

Relief with a horseman

Athens, National Archaeological Museum, collection

Herakles from Sparta

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, collection

Head of a boar

ΤΕΓΕΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΑΡΚΑΔΙΑ
Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum

Head of a beardless man, turned to the left

Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum

East Pediment from the Temple of Athena Alea

The calydonian boar hunt

Head of a warrior wearing an Attic helmet

Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum

West Pediment from the Temple of Athena Alea

Fight between Telephos and Achilles at the River Kaikos

Hero relief from Arcadia

Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Found near Paliopiskopi, near Tegea.

Head of Hygeia

Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum

Αρχαία αγάλματα

Μαρμάρινο 'Αγαλμα

ΑΣΕΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΒΑΛΤΕΤΣΙ
  To ακέφαλο μαρμάρινο άγαλμα καθήμενης θεάς είναι πιθανώς της θεάς Αθηνάς και προέρχεται από την Ασέα. Το έργο χρονολογείται από το 510 π.Χ. και φαίνεται ότι ανήκει στον Αθηναίου γλύπτη Ενδοίο. Φυλάσσεται στο Παναρκαδικό αρχαιολογικό μουσείο Τρίπολης.

Ο Κούρος της Τενέας

ΤΕΝΕΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΚΟΡΙΝΘΙΑ

Αρχαία Νομίσματα

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