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Εμφανίζονται 34 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα:  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΑΣΚΛΗΠΙΕΙΟ Δήμος ΑΡΓΟΛΙΔΑ" .

Αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα: (34)

Beazley Archive Pottery & Sculpture

Προτομή Ασκληπιού

London, British Museum

Γλυπτά από το ναό του Ασκληπιού

Perseus Sculpture Catalog

Lion's head spout from a gutter

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Frontal head of a lion, with his tongue protruding. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios


Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Hygiaia feeding her snake. Found at Epidauros

Woman (Aura or Nereid?) seated on a Dolphin (?)

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Torso of a female figure seated on the back of a dolphin (?), wearing a thin belted peplos, and lifting the edge of her drapery with her left hand. Akroteria from the Temple of Asklepios at Epidauros

Statue of a goddess seated on rock

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Torso of a female figure seated on a rock, wearing a belted chiton, holding her himation over her shoulder. Found at Epidauros (in 1838)

Munich variant of Aphrodite of Epidauros

Collection: Munich, Glyptothek. Subject: Aphrodite of Epidauros

Bronze statue of an athlete with ball

Collection: Berlin, Antikenmuseen. Subject: Nude athlete stands with relaxed right leg advanced, and holds a ball in his left hand. Findspot: Said to be from Ligurio (Epidauros)

Ανάγλυφο με τον Ασκληπιό και την Αθηνά

Γύρω στα 400 - 350 π.Χ. Βρέθηκε στο ιερό του Ασκληπιού το 1884. Εθνικό Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο.

Votive relief to Asklepios and others

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Asklepios, Epione, Hippolytos (?), and a horse and groom. Found at Epidauros, Asklepieion (in 1885)

Relief of baby Asklepios

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Excavated at Epidauros, Asklepieion

Three sided relief from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Asklepios and goddesses. Found at Epidauros

Votive relief with Asklepios and family

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Aslkepios and his family approached by worshippers. Found at Epidauros (in 1885)

Votive relief to Hygieia (?)

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Hygieia (?) and three worshippers. Found at Epidauros

Relief showing seated Asklepios

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Asklepios seated on a throne. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

Votive of King Cutius

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Two ears. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios, Northeast of the Temple of Asklepios

Pedimental and akroterial sculptures

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Pedimental and akroterial sculptures. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios (between 1882 and 1884)

Akroteria from the Temple of Asklepios

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Windblown figures. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios (between 1882 and 1884)

Akroterion (?) from the Temple of Asklepios

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Winged Nike with a windblown himation. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios (between 1882 and 1884)

West? central akroterion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Title: (West?) central akroterion from the Temple of Asklepios at Epidauros. Subject: Female figure, perhaps Nike, holding a bird. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

West? corner akroterion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Title: (West?) corner akroterion from the Temple of Asklepios at Epidauros. Subject: Female figure, perhaps Aura (personified breeze) on the back of a horse. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

1. Pedimental figure from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Wounded Amazon. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

2. Pedimental figure from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Head of Priam being pulled by the hand of a Greek. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

3. Pedimental figure from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Female figure, perhaps Hecuba, resting on her knees. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

4. Pedimental figure from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Trojan woman attacking a Greek warrior. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

5. Pedimental figure from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Dead body of a nude youth. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

6. Pedimental figures from Epidauros

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: A woman bending to protect a small kneeling girl. Subject: A woman bending to protect a small kneeling girl

Central West Pediment figure

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: An Amazon, perhaps Penthesilea, riding 3/4-view to the right. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

East Pediment from the Temple of Asklepios

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Iliupersis. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios (between 1882 and 1884).

West Pediment from the Temple of Asklepios

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Amazonomachy. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios (between 1882 and 1884)

Akroteria from the Temple of Artemis

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Flying Nikai. Found at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

1. Akroterion from the Temple of Artemis

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Flying Nike with her right leg slightly advanced, wearing a high belted chiton. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

2. Akroterion from the Temple of Artemis

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Flying Nike. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

Central akroterion from the Temple of Artemis

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Flying Nike. Excavated at Epidauros, Sanctuary of Asklepios

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