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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 19 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα:  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΝΈΟ ΗΡΑΙΟ Χωριό ΜΥΚΗΝΕΣ" .

Αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα: (19)

Beazley Archive Pottery & Sculpture

Αγάλματα & ανάγλυφες παραστάσεις της Ηρας


Perseus Sculpture Catalog

Head of Hera

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Artist: Attributed to the school of Polykleitos, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

1. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

2. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

3. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Head with mouth open, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

4. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Head of a warrior with a helmet, nd at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

5. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Head of an Amazon, wearing a pointed (Phrygian) cap, turning to the left, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

6. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

7. Head from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

1. Torso from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Torso of an Amazon wearing a chitoniskos over one shoulder (and breast) in a frontal pose, turning her leg to the left. Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

2. Torso from the Argive Heraion

3. Torso from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, A Greek warrior in a frontal pose, with his head to the right, next to a painted, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

Torso of the Palladion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum. Subject: Female figure wearing a himation over a sleeved chiton, being grasped by a bare arm. Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

Metope from Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Subject: A Greek warrior struggling with an Amazon who runs to the right. Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

East Metopes from the Argive Heraion

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum, subject: Gigantomachy. Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

West Metopes from the Argive Heraion

Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum, subject: (Trojan?) Amazonomachy, Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

East Pediment from the Argive Heraion

Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum, subject: Birth of Zeus. Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

West Pediment from the Argive Heraion

Collection : Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Subject: Sack of Troy. Found at Argos, Sanctuary of Hera

Sculptures from the Argive Heraion

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