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Εμφανίζονται 17 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Αρχαίες πηγές  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΧΑΝΙΑ Νομός ΚΡΗΤΗ" .

Αρχαίες πηγές (17)


ΚΥΔΩΝΙΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΧΑΝΙΑ
  Some say that the Jews were fugitives from the island of Crete, who settled on the nearest coast of Africa about the time when Saturn was driven from his throne by the power of Jupiter. Evidence of this is sought in the name. There is a famous mountain in Crete called Ida; the neighbouring tribe, the Idaei, came to be called Judaei by a barbarous lengthening of the national name.

Perseus Encyclopedia


ΑΠΤΕΡΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΣΟΥΔΑ
Πόλη της Κρήτης, Απτεραίοι τοξότες.


Πόλη της Κρήτης, που εξακολουθούσε να υπάρχει στην εποχή του Παυσανία (Παυσ. 10,16,5).


ΚΑΤΡΗ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΚΑΝΤΑΝΟΣ


ΚΥΔΩΝΙΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΧΑΝΙΑ
Τόπος καταγωγής του Κλύμενου που ίδρυσε το Ιερό της Αθηνάς Κυδωνίας στην Ηλεία (Παυσ. 6,21,6).


ΤΑΡΡΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΣΦΑΚΙΑ
Ο Παυσανίας παραδίδει ότι, σύμφωνα με την παράδοση των Ελυρίων, ο Φυλακίδης και ο Φίλανδρος ήταν γιοι του Απόλλωνα από τη νύμφη Ακακαλλίδα, η οποία συνευρέθηκε με το θεό στην πόλη Τάρρα (Παυσ. 10,16,5).


ΚΥΔΩΝΙΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΧΑΝΙΑ
...Then the Samians took from the men of Hermione, instead of money, the island Hydrea which is near to the Peloponnesus, and gave it to men of Troezen for safekeeping; they themselves settled at Cydonia in Crete, though their voyage had been made with no such intent, but rather to drive Zacynthians out of the island. Here they stayed and prospered for five years; indeed, the temples now at Cydonia and the shrine of Dictyna are the Samians' work; but in the sixth year Aeginetans and Cretans came and defeated them in a sea-fight and made slaves of them; moreover they cut off the ships' prows, that were shaped like boars' heads, and dedicated them in the temple of Athena in Aegina. The Aeginetans did this out of a grudge against the Samians; for previously the Samians, in the days when Amphicrates was king of Samos, sailing in force against Aegina, had hurt the Aeginetans and been hurt by them. This was the cause.


ΠΟΛΙΧΝΗ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΧΑΝΙΑ
Minos, it is said, went to Sicania, which is now called Sicily, in search for Daedalus, and perished there by a violent death. Presently all the Cretans except the men of Polichne and Praesus were bidden by a god to go with a great host to Sicania.
Commentary: If the men of Polichne and Praisos took no part with Minos, then presumably they were no subjects of his. Polichne was near Kydonia (Kanea) but not on good terms with it (in 429 B.C.); cp. Thuc. 2. 85. 5 (though possibly friends with Gortyn).


Πελοποννησιακός πόλεμος

ΚΥΔΩΝΙΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΧΑΝΙΑ
Πρόταση του Νικία από τη Γόρτυνα στους Αθηναίους να πλεύσουν κατά της Κυδωνίας.


Disputes in Crete

  In Crete, while Cydas son of Antalces was Cosmus, the Gortynians, who sought in every way to depress the Gnossians, deprived them of a portion of their territory called Lycastium, and assigned it to the Rhaucii, and another portion called Diatonium to the Lyctii. But when about this time Appius and his colleagues arrived in the island from Rome, with the view of settling the controversies which existed among them, and addressed remonstrances to the cities of Gnossus and Gortyn on these points, the Cretans gave in, and submitted the settlement of their disputes to Appius. He accordingly ordered the restoration of their territory to the Gnossians; and that the Cydoniates should receive back the hostages which they had formerly left in the hands of Charmion, and should surrender Phalasarna, without taking anything out of it. As to sharing in the legal jurisdiction of the whole island, he left it free to the several cities to do so or not as they pleased, on condition that in the latter case they abstained from entering the rest of Crete, they and the exiles from Phalasarna who murdered Menochius and his friends, their most illustrious citizens.



. . .then comes an isthmus of about one hundred stadia, which, on the northern sea, has a settlement called Amphimalla


ΑΠΤΕΡΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΣΟΥΔΑ
Cydonia is situated on the sea, facing Laconia, and is equidistant, about eight hundred stadia, from the two cities Cnossus and Gortyn, and is eighty stadia distant from Aptera, and forty from the sea in that region. The seaport of Aptera is Cisamus.


ΚΙΣΑΜΟΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΣΟΥΔΑ
Το επίνειο της πόλης Απτερα (Στράβ. 10,4,13).

Cydonia, Cydoniatae

ΚΥΔΩΝΙΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΧΑΝΙΑ
And neither is Callimachus right, they say, when he says that Britomartis, in her flight from the violence of Minos, leaped from Dicte into fishermen's "nets," and that because of this she herself was called Dictynna by the Cydoniatae, and the mountain Dicte; for Cydonia is not in the neighborhood of these places at all, but lies near the western limits of the island. However, there is a mountain called Tityrus in Cydonia, on which is a temple, not the "Dictaean" temple, but the "Dictynnaean."
Cydonia is situated on the sea, facing Laconia, and is equidistant, about eight hundred stadia, from the two cities Cnossus and Gortyn, and is eighty stadia distant from Aptera, and forty from the sea in that region. The seaport of Aptera is Cisamus. The territory of the Polyrrhenians borders on that of the Cydoniatae towards the west, and the temple of Dictynna is in their territory.

There are several cities in Crete, but the greatest and most famous are three: Cnossus, Gortyna and Cydonia.


The territory.of the Polyrrhenians borders on that of the Cydoniatae towards the west, and the temple of Dictynna is in their territory. They are about thirty stadia distant from the sea, and sixty from Phalasarna. They lived in villages in earlier times; and then Achaeans and Laconians made a common settlement, building a wall round a place that was naturally strong and faced towards the south.


As for its (Crete) two extremities, the western is in the neighborhood of Phalasarna; it has a breadth of about two hundred stadia and is divided into two promontories (of these the southern is called Criumetopon, the northern Cimarus), whereas the eastern is Samonium

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