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Εμφανίζονται 5 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Αρχαίες πηγές  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΑΜΦΙΚΛΕΙΑ Δήμος ΛΟΚΡΙΔΑ" .

Αρχαίες πηγές (5)

Perseus Encyclopedia

Αμφίκλεια, Αμφικαία

Πόλη της Φωκίδος

Δρυμός (Δρυμαία)

Πόλη της Φωκίδας (Ηρόδ. 8,33).


Πόλη της Φωκίδας, η οποία καταστράφηκε από τον Ξέρξη καθώς και στη διάρκεια του Ιερού Πολέμου.



Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20 [On the Embassy]



The road from Lilaea to Amphicleia is sixty stades. The name of this Amphicleia has been corrupted by the native inhabitants. Herodotus, following the most ancient account, called it Amphicaea; but the Amphictyons, when they published their decree for the destruction of the cities in Phocis, gave it the name of Amphicleia. The natives tell about it the following story. A certain chief, suspecting that enemies were plotting against his baby son, put the child in a vessel, and hid him in that part of the land where he knew there would be most security. Now a wolf attacked the child, but a serpent coiled itself round the vessel, and kept up a strict watch. When the child's father came, supposing that the serpent had purposed to attack the child, he threw his javelin, which killed the serpent and his son as well. But being informed by the shepherds that he had killed the benefactor and protector of his child, he made one common pyre for both the serpent and his son. Now they say that even to-day the place resembles a burning pyre, maintaining that after this serpent the city was called Ophiteia. They celebrate orgies, well worth seeing, in honor of Dionysus, but there is no entrance to the shrine, nor have they any image that can be seen. The people of Amphicleia say that this god is their prophet and their helper in disease. The diseases of the Amphicleans themselves and of their neighbors are cured by means of dreams. The oracles of the god are given by the priest, who utters them when under the divine inspiration. Fifteen stades away from Amphicleia is Tithronium
This extract is from: Pausanias Description of Greece with an English Translation by W.H.S. Jones, Litt.D., and H.A. Ormerod, M.A., Harvard University Press. Cited Aug 2002 from Perseus Project URL bellow, which contains comments & interesting hyperlinks

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