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Geographical Data

Type of location: Beach, Beaches under Ministry of Environment Inspection, Village, Bay, Blue Flag 2007, Blue Flag 2002, Blue Flag 2008, Blue Flag 2009, Blue Flag 2010, Blue Flag 2011, Blue Flag 2012, Blue Flag 2013, Blue Flag 2014, Blue Flag 2015, Blue Flag 2016, Blue Flag 2017, Blue Flag 2018, Blue Flag 2019, Blue Flag 2024, Acropolis
Postal Code: 35013
Tel +30 22380
Altitude: 10 meters
Longitude: 22o 58' 0,3" E
Latitude: 38o 57' 10,05" N

Ferry lines that operate to the port

Shipping Companies Agents
Glyfa Ferries (H.Q.) ( CG) Glyfa Ferries - Glyfa Port
(Shipping Agent)
Tel: +30 22380 61391

Useful Information (4)

Port agents

Glyfa Ferries - Glyfa Port

Tel: +30 22380 61391

Port Authority

Port Authority Department of Glyfa

Tel: +30 22380 61288
Fax: +30 22380 61284

Port information

Glyfa Port

Responsible police authority

Police Station of Pelasgias

Tel: +30 22380 51222

Local governments (1)

Municipalities' district offices

Glyfa Community

Tel: +30 22380 61233
Fax: +30 22380 61233

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