HOTREC is the umbrella association of national trade associations representing the hotels, restaurants, cafes and similar establishments in Europe. HOTREC therefore acts as the representative of the hospitality businesses vis-a-vis the EU institutions.
HOTREC is constituted under Belgian law as a not-for-profit association. The main objectives of HOTREC are:
The promotion and defence of the interests of the hospitality industry towards the EU institutions;
The enhancement of the cooperation between the national hospitality associations.
HOTREC’s principal activity is to monitor and analyse policy developments at EU level that have an impact on the hospitality industry. By gathering information directly at the source, HOTREC ensures that its member associations are kept abreast of any policy developments affecting the hospitality business. Where the interests of the European hospitality industry are at stake, HOTREC expresses the concerns of its member associations to the EU representatives.
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