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Listed 10 sub titles with search on: Places of worship  for wider area of: "PERACHORA Settlement LOUTRAKI-PERACHORA" .

Places of worship (10)


Church of the Assumption

  In the center of Perachora village, the Holy Church of the Assumption can be found. The architecture style of the church-built in 1982- is a three­-aisle basilica with a tiled roof dome. South west of the church stands the imposing Campanile surrounded by a beautifully handled with care yard. The inner walls are nicely covered with Hagiographies and Byzantine Signs, facts that establish the religiousness of the faithful.

Church of St Demetrius

  Eight kilometers along the road from Loutraki to Perachora, by the hill, which was once the acropolis of ancient Peraea, stands the little single-aisled basilica of St Demetrius, which was built and had its wall­ paintings executed in 1750. These paintings - depicting Our Lady enthroned, the Crucifixion, Christ Pantocrator, the saints in attitudes of prayer, etc. - are works of great art, and a visit to the church cannot fail to be spiritually uplifting.

Church of the Great Archangels

  This historic church is in Perachora itself and dates from 1767, when Greece was still under Turkish rule. The twelve steps leading to its entrance and the little doors of the church were constructed in such a way to prevent the conquerors from riding their horses inside during the service and desecrating the holy place, as was their custom. In 1832 ­after the liberation of Greece - a political faction called the “Constitutionalists” made the church their headquarters when they were forced to leave Argos after a dispute with the supporters of Count Capodistrias, first Governor of Greece.

Church of St Blaise

  Fifteen kilometers along the road to Vouliagmeni from Perachora is the pretty chapel of St Blaise, built in 1981. The surrounding landscape is very attractive, and ancient potsherds are common. There is another little church of St Blaise in Perachora, at the spot called Aremada.

Church of the Prophet Elijah

  After an ancient fountain 9 km. along the road from Vouliagmeni to Asprokampos, is the church of the Prophet Elijah, standing on a low hill. The foundations consist of ancient building materials, of which there is no shortage in the area.

Church of the Seven Maccabees

  On the road to Strava, after about 6 km., we come to a little roadside shrine. An uphill path from there leads to a little chapel dedicated to the Seven Maccabees, a quaint structure three-quartets of which is built into a cave. In its courtyard is a tall oak tree, which is said to be as old as the church itself. This idyllic spot is believed once to have been the hermitage of a monk called Maccabaeus.

Church of Ipapanti (Panagitsa sto Flambouro)

  Four kilometres beyond the Bethlehem Orphanage on the road from Loutraki to Perachora is the pretty church of Our Lady “Ipapanti”. The church is built in undressed stone and has a pitched wooden roof covered with tiles.

Church of St George

  The little chapel of St George is located in a cave at the spot called Trepes near Perachora. The cave is also full of stalactites, from which water drips. It is believed locally that the water has medicinal properties, which are attributed to the miraculous influence of St George.


Monastery of the Apostle Pavlos at Gerania

Tel: +30 27440 24872
  The foundations of the monastery of St Ρaul were laid in 1972 on a site higher up the mountain, an hour’s walk from the nunnery of Hosios Patapios. The first monk who established in this isolated place came here from Mount Athos. Set as it is amid the dense greenery, the monastery of St Ρaυl is truly a place apart from the world.

Monastery of St. Nicholas at Malagari

  St Nicholas “the Younger”, at the spot called Malagari near Perachora, seems likely to be the oldest Byzantine monument in the area, since it was built in the tenth or eleventh century. Experts have quite rightly described its outstanding wall paintings as historic treasures of the greatest value. In earlier times, the monastery had a full complement of monks, and even today the beauty of the scenery does much to uplift the spirits of pilgrims.

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