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Location information

Listed 2 sub titles with search on: The inhabitants for destination: "ORCHOMENOS Archaeological site VIOTIA".

The inhabitants (2)

Worships of the inhabitants

Laphystian god (Zeus)

Worship of the Graces

The Boeotians say that Eteocles was the first man to sacrifice to the Graces. Moreover, they are aware that he established three as the number of the Graces, but they have no tradition of the names he gave them. In the ancient times the worship of the Graces was the most important one in Orchomenus. Pindar calls it "kallichoron polin chariton (=beautiful town of the Graces)" (Ekd. Athinon, Pausaniou Periegissis, vol.5, p. 224, note 1).

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