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Biographies (2)



FARES (Ancient city) PATRA
Eperatus, (Eperatos), of Pharae in Achaia, was elected general of the Achaeans in B. C. 219, by the intrigues of Apelles, the adviser of Philip V. of Macedonia, in opposition to Timoxenus, who was supported by Aratus. Eperatus was held universally in low estimation, and was in fact totally unfit for his office, on which he entered in B. C. 218, so that, when his year had expired, he left numerous difficulties to Aratus, who succeeded him. (Polyb. iv. 82, v. 1, 5, 30, 91; Plut. Arat. 48.)


Lycus (Lukos). Of Pharae, in Achaia, lieutenant-general of the Achaeans, for Aratus, in B. C. 217, defeated EURIPIDAS, the Aetolian, who was acting as general of the Eleans. In the same year, Euripidas having marched with his Aetolians against Tritaea in Achaia, Lycus invaded Elis, and by a well-planned ambuscade slew 200 Eleans, and carried off 80 prisoners and much spoil. (Polyb. v. 94, 95.)

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