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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 4 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Μυθολογία  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΩΡΕΟΙ Δήμος ΙΣΤΙΑΙΑ" .

Μυθολογία (4)



ΙΣΤΙΑΙΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΕΥΒΟΙΑ
(Migrates from Histiaea to Chios) Carians too came to the island (Chios), in the reign of Oenopion, and Abantes from Euboea. Oenopion and his sons were succeeded by Amphiclus, who because of an oracle from Delphi came from Histiaea in Euboea. Three generations from Amphiclus, Hector, who also had made himself king, made war on those Abantes and Carians who lived in the island, slew some in battle, and forced others to surrender and depart.

Ιστορικές προσωπικότητες


Histiaea, (Histiaia), a daughter of Hyrieus, from whom the town of Histiaea, in Euboea, was said to have derived its name. (Eustath. ad Hom. p. 280; comp. Strab. p. 445.)

Μετακινήσεις πληθυσμών

Histiaea - Chios

Carians too came to the island (Chios), in the reign of Oenopion, and Abantes from Euboea. Oenopion and his sons were succeeded by Amphiclus, who because of an oracle from Delphi came from Histiaea in Euboea. Three generations from Amphiclus, Hector, who also had made himself king, made war on those Abantes and Carians who lived in the island, slew some in battle, and forced others to surrender and depart.

Thebans - Hestiaea

After ( War of Epigoni) travelling far the Thebans built the city of Hestiaea and took up their abode there.

Έχετε τη δυνατότητα να δείτε περισσότερες πληροφορίες για γειτονικές ή/και ευρύτερες περιοχές επιλέγοντας μία από τις παρακάτω κατηγορίες και πατώντας το "περισσότερα":

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