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Listed 5 sub titles with search on: Information about the place  for wider area of: "BARCELONA Town CATALONIA" .

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Local government Web-Sites

City of Barcelona


The Catholic Encyclopedia


The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Baetulo (Badalona) Barcelona, Spain.
Town on the coast of Laietania, 10 km NE of Barcelona, near the mouth of the Baetulo (Besos) in Tarraconensis. The suffix -ilo, typically iberian, suggests that originally it was a native oppidum, which has not been identified. it grew in the 1st c. B.C. when several nearby iberian settlements were abandoned. According to Pliny (HN 3.22) it was an oppidum enjoying Roman rights; it is also mentioned by P. Mela (2.90) and Ptolemy (2.6.18). its prosperity in the 1st-3d c. was due to trade in local wine. The town was reduced to ruins during the invasion of the Franks, but was rebuilt and fortified by great walls, some sectors of which still survive.
  Excavation has uncovered Roman houses with mosaics (now in the Barcelona Archaeological Museum) and many inscriptions; the earliest (CIL II, 4606-4608), include an important bronze tabula patronatus. The local archaeological museum, in addition to Roman material, has finds from nearby prehistoric deposits and iberian oppida, in particular the Mas Bosca.

J. Maluquer De Motes, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Jan 2006 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.


Barcino (Barcelona) Barcelona, Spain.
Town in Tarraconensis whose name, known from many inscriptions, was Colonia Iulia Augusta Paterna Faventia Barcino, indicating that it was founded by Augustus. Barcino appears to be the native name of an oppidum of the Laietani who minted silver drachmae at the end of the 3d c. B.C., imitating those of Emporion and bearing the iberian legend Barkenos. An allusion by Ausonius (Ep. 37.68) is the basis for the claim that it was founded by the Carthaginians (the family of the Barcidae). This is unacceptable, however; the name appears in Avienus (OM. 5.520) in its pure Iberian form, Barcilo.
  The Augustan colony spread over a small height, Mons Tabar (18 m above sea level), between two mountain streams, the San Juan to the N and La Rambla to the S. its fields probably extended from the Baetulo river (Besos) to the Rubricatus (Llobregat). During the Late Empire it had large monuments, temples, baths, and two aqueducts, but it was burned and razed in A.D. 265 during the invasion of the Franks and the Alamanni. it was subsequently rebuilt and its perimeter reduced. The colony had been surrounded by a strong defensive wall with over 60 circular or polygonal towers which were mostly incorporated later into mediaeval structures. The extraordinary fortification of Barcino and the excellence of its port increased its importance during the Early Empire. At the beginning of the 5th c. A.D. it was occupied by the Visigoths as allies of the Romans, and King Ataulfo was assassinated there in 414. it had an active Christian community, including St. Paciano, and there are remains of a 6th c. basilica.
  The Roman wall has been restored and the subsoil excavated, uncovering a large amount of reused architectural material, statues, funerary and honorific stones, and mosaics, from the destruction of the town in the 3d c. it is now possible to visit more than 200 m of the Roman town under the Gothic cathedral and the public buildings dating from the Middle Ages. The finds are in the museum on the site and the Barcelona Archaeological Museum.

J. Maluquer De Motes, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Jan 2006 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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