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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 5 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Αρχαίες πηγές  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΙΘΑΚΗ Δήμος ΙΟΝΙΑ ΝΗΣΙΑ" .

Αρχαίες πηγές (5)

Perseus Encyclopedia


Το νησί του Οδυσσέα.



ΕΧΙΝΑΔΕΣ (Σύμπλεγμα νήσων) ΙΟΝΙΑ ΝΗΣΙΑ
Ο Ηρόδοτος παραδίδει ότι οι προσχώσεις του ποταμού Αχελώου, που διέρρεε την Ακαρνανία και εξέβαλε στη θάλασσα, είχε ως αποτέλεσαμα τα μισά νησιά των Εχινάδων να ενωθούν με τη στεριά (Ηρόδ. 2.10.3).


Homer makes Dulichium and the remainder of the Echinades subject to Meges; and their inhabitants were Epeians, who had come there from Elis

ΕΧΙΝΑΔΕΣ (Σύμπλεγμα νήσων) ΙΟΝΙΑ ΝΗΣΙΑ
To the east of Zacynthos and Cephallenia are situated the Echinades Islands, among which is Dulichium, now called Dolicha, and also what are called the Oxeiae, which the poet called Thoae. Dolicha lies opposite Oeneiadae and the outlet of the Achelous, at a distance of one hundred stadia from Araxus, the promontory of the Eleians; the rest of the Echinades (they are several in number, all poor soiled and rugged) lie off the outlet of the Achelous, the farthermost being fifteen stadia distant and the nearest five. In earlier times they lay out in the high sea, but the silt brought down by the Achelous has already joined some of them to the mainland and will do the same to others.

Now, as for the Echinades, or the Oxeiae, Homer says that they were ruled over in the time of the Trojan War by Meges, who was begotten by the knightly Phyleus, dear to Zeus, who once changed his abode to Dulichium because he was wroth with his father. His father was Augeas, the ruler of the Eleian country and the Epeians; and therefore the Epeians who set out for Dulichium with Phyleus held these islands.

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