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Εμφανίζονται 9 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Αρχαίες πηγές  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΑΛΙΚΑΡΝΑΣΣΟΣ Πόλη ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ" .

Αρχαίες πηγές (9)

Perseus Encyclopedia


Γενέτειρα πόλη του Ηροδότου, αποικία της Τροιζήνας στην Καρία, όπου βρισκόταν το περίφημο Μαυσωλείο, ένα από τα Επτά Θαύματα του κόσμου.


ΜΥΝΔΟΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ
Πόλη στην Καρία, αποικία της Τροιζήνας.



Then (from Cnicus) to Halicarnassus, the royal residence of the dynasts of Caria, which was formerly called Zephyra. Here is the tomb of Mausolus, one of the Seven Wonders, a monument erected by Artemisia in honor of her husband; and here is the fountain called Salmacis, which has the slanderous repute, for what reason I do not know, of making effeminate all who drink from it. It seems that the effeminacy of man is laid to the charge of the air or of the water; yet it is not these, but rather riches and wanton living, that are the cause of effeminacy. Halicarnassus has an acropolis; and off the city lies Arconnesus. Its colonizers were, among others, Anthes and a number of Troezenians. Natives of Halicarnassus have been: Herodotus the historian, whom they later called a Thurian, because he took part in the colonization of Thurii; and Heracleitus the poet, the comrade of Callimachus; and, in my time, Dionysius the historian.
This city, too, met a reverse when it was forcibly seized by Alexander. For Hecatomnus, the king of the Carians, had three sons, Mausolus and Hidrieus and Pixodarus, and two daughters. Mausolus, the eldest of the brothers, married Artemisia, the elder of the daughters, and Hidrieus, the second son, married Ada, the other sister. Mausolus became king and at last, childless, he left the empire to his wife, by whom the above-mentioned tomb was erected. But she pined away and died through grief for her husband, and Hidrieus then became ruler. He died from a disease and was succeeded by his wife Ada; but she was banished by Pixodarus, the remaining son of Hecatomnos. Having espoused the side of the Persians, he sent for a satrap to share the empire with him; and when he too departed from life, the satrap took possession of Halicarnassus. And when Alexander came over, the satrap sustained a siege.

This extract is from: The Geography of Strabo (ed. H. L. Jones, 1924), Cambridge. Harvard University Press. Cited July 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains comments & interesting hyperlinks.


Ακρωτήριο κοντά στη Μύνδο (Στράβ. 14.2.20).


On the coast of the mainland near the Myndian territory lies Astypalaea, a promontory; and also Zephyrium. Then forthwith one comes to Myndus, which has a harbor; and after Myndus to Bargylia, which is also a city; between the two is Caryanda, a harbor, and also an island bearing the same name, where the Caryandians lived. Here was born Scylax, the ancient historian. Near Bargylia is the temple of Artemis Cindyas, round which the rain is believed to fall without striking it. And there was once a place called Cindye. From Bargylia there was a man of note, the Epicurean Protarchus, who was the teacher of Demetrius called Lacon.


ΖΕΦΥΡΙΟΝ (Αρχαία τοποθεσία) ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ
Ακρωτήριο κοντά στη Μύνδο (Στράβ. 14.2.20).


On the coast of the mainland near the Myndian territory lies Astypalaea, a promontory; and also Zephyrium. Then forthwith one comes to Myndus, which has a harbor; and after Myndus to Bargylia, which is also a city; between the two is Caryanda, a harbor, and also an island bearing the same name, where the Caryandians lived. Here was born Scylax, the ancient historian. Near Bargylia is the temple of Artemis Cindyas, round which the rain is believed to fall without striking it. And there was once a place called Cindye. From Bargylia there was a man of note, the Epicurean Protarchus, who was the teacher of Demetrius called Lacon.


ΜΥΝΔΟΣ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΤΟΥΡΚΙΑ
On the coast of the mainland near the Myndian territory lies Astypalaea, a promontory; and also Zephyrium. Then forthwith one comes to Myndus, which has a harbor; and after Myndus to Bargylia, which is also a city; between the two is Caryanda, a harbor, and also an island bearing the same name, where the Caryandians lived. Here was born Scylax, the ancient historian. Near Bargylia is the temple of Artemis Cindyas, round which the rain is believed to fall without striking it. And there was once a place called Cindye. From Bargylia there was a man of note, the Epicurean Protarchus, who was the teacher of Demetrius called Lacon.


Ο Στράβων αναφέρει ότι ο Μαύσωλος συνοίκισε οκτώ πόλεις σε μία, την Αλικαρνασσό, αλλά διατήρησε τις πόλεις Συάγγελα και Μύνδο (Στράβ. 13.1.59).

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