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Listed 8 sub titles with search on: Olympic games  for wider area of: "MAGNESIA ON MEANDROS Ancient city TURKEY" .

Olympic games (8)

Ancient olympic champions, armour-race


Callicrates won two times at the 109th & 110th Olympiads, in 344 & 340 B.C.

anonymous, 2 times winner

300 - 296
A two times winner at 120th & 121st Olympiads in 300 & 296 B.C., whose name is unknown,

Ancient olympic champions, boxing

Democrates, 3 times winner

25 - 33
Democrates won 3 times at the 201st, 202nd & 203rd Olympiads, in 25, 29 & 33 A.D.

Cleomachus, 424 B.C., 89th Olympiad & a lyric poet

Cleomachus, Of Magnesia, a lyric poet, was at first a boxer, but having fallen violently in love, he devoted himself to the composition of poems of a very licentious character (Strab. xiv.). From the resemblance in character between his poetry and that of Gnesippus, it might be inferred that he is the same person as the father of Gnesippus; but Strabo mentions him among the celebrated men of Magnesia in such a way that, if he adheres in this case to his usual practice of giving the names in chronological order, this Cleomachus would fall much later than the time of Gnesippus. His name was given to a variety of the Ionic a Majore metre. (Hephaestion, xi.)

Ancient olympic champions, boys' pancratium

Pouplius Aelius Aristomachus

Winner at the 224th Olympiad in 117 A.D.

Ancient olympic champions, stadium

Pythagoras, 2 times winner

300 - 296
Two times winner at the 120th & 121st Olympiads in 300 & 296 B.C.

Pammenes, 5 A.D., 196th Olympiad


Ancient olympic champions, two victories


Of Magnesia: victorious at Olympia both in pancratium and wrestling, peculiarity of his skeleton.

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