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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 3 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Μυθολογία  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΚΑΡΥΑ Χωριό ΛΥΡΚΕΙΑ" .

Μυθολογία (3)

Αρχαίοι μύθοι

Ο Ηρακλής και η Κερυνίτις έλαφος

ΟΙΝΟΗ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΛΥΡΚΕΙΑ
As a third labour he (Eurystheus) ordered him (Heracles) to bring the Cerynitian hind alive to Mycenae. Now the hind was at Oenoe; it had golden horns and was sacred to Artemis; so wishing neither to kill nor wound it, Hercules hunted it a whole year. But when, weary with the chase, the beast took refuge on the mountain called Artemisius, and thence passed to the river Ladon, Hercules shot it just as it was about to cross the stream, and catching it put it on his shoulders and hastened through Arcadia. But Artemis with Apollo met him, and would have wrested the hind from him, and rebuked him for attempting to kill her sacred animal. Howbeit, by pleading necessity and laying the blame on Eurystheus, he appeased the anger of the goddess and carried the beast alive to Mycenae. (Apoll. 2.5.3)
1. Later Greek tradition, as we see from Apollodorus, did not place the native land of the hind so far away. Oenoe was a place in Argolis. Mount Artemisius is the range which divides Argolis from the plain of Mantinea. The Ladon is the most beautiful river of Arcadia, if not of Greece. The river Cerynites, from which the hind took its name, is a river which rises in Arcadia and flows through Achaia into the sea. The modern name of the river is Bouphousia.
2. (see also )

Ιστορικές προσωπικότητες


Βασιλιάς της Αιτωλίας, ο οποίος μετά την εκθρόνισή του από τους γιους του Αγρίου πήγε στο Αργος (Παυσ. 2,25,2).

Oeneus. A son of Portheus, brother of Agrius and Melas and huslband of Althaea, by whom he became the father of Tydeus and Meleager, and was thus the grandfather of Diomedes. He was king of Pleuron and Calydon in Aetolia (Hom. Il. v. 813, ix. 543, xiv. 115). According to the tragic poets he was a son of Porthaon and Euryte, and besides the two brothers mentioned above, Alcathous, Laocoon, Leucopeus, and Sterope, are likewise called his brothers and sister (Apollod. i. 7.10; Apollon. Rhod. i. 192; Hygin. Fab. 14). His children are said to have been Toxeus, whom he himself killed, Thyreus (Phereus), Clymenus, Periphas, Agelaus, Meleager, Gorge, Eurymede, Melanippe, Mothone, and Deianeira (Apollod. i. 8.1; Paus. iv. 35.1; Anton. Lib. 2). His second wife was Melanippe, the daughter of Hipponous, and by her he is said by some to have become the father of Tydeus, who according to others was his son by his own daughter Gorge (Apollod. i. 8.4; Diod. iv. 35). He is said to have been deprived of his kingdom by the sons of Agrius, who imprisoned him and ill used him. But he was subsequently avenged by Diomedes, who slew Agrius and his sons, and restored the kingdom either to Oeneus himself, or to his son-in-law Andraemon, as Oeneus was too old. Diomedes took his grandfather with him to Peloponnesus, but some of the sons who lay in ambush, slew the old man, near the altar of Telephus in Arcadia. Diomedes buried his body at Argos, and named the town of Oenoe after him (Apollod. i. 8.5; Anton. Lib. 37; Diod. iv. 65). According to others Oeneus lived to a very old age with Diomedes at Argos, and died a natural death (Paus. ii. 25.2). Homer knows nothing of all this; he merely relates that Oeneus once neglected to sacrifice to Artemis, in consequence of which she sent a monstrous boar into the territory of Calydon, which was hunted by Meleager (Il. ix. 532). The hero Bellerophon was hospitably received by him, and received a costly girdle as a present from him (vi. 216). At the time of the Trojan war the race of Oeneus had become extinct, and hence Thoas, the son of Andraemon, the son-in-law of Oeneus, led the Aetolians against Troy (ii. 638).

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited April 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

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