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Listed 5 sub titles with search on: Festivals and fairs for destination: "HERAKLIA Island KYKLADES".

Festivals and fairs (5)


St. Nectarios


St. George

The celebration in memory of Saint George outside the church bearing his name at the village of Agios Georgios.

The Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Outside the church of the Holy Mother Mary at the village Panagia.

St. John

28/8 - 29/8
The day before the celebration of the beheading of Saint John the Prodrome. Vespers are held in the first big hall of St. John's cave. Many visitors from nearby islands come to take part in the festivity are the sight is breathtaking.

Archangels, Michael & Gabriel

The day of the celebration held in memory of Archangels.

You are able to search for more information in greater and/or surrounding areas by choosing one of the titles below and clicking on "more".

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