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Listed 4 sub titles with search on: History for destination: "ELOS Ancient city LACONIA".

History (4)

Catastrophes of the place

By Nicias

After the capitulation, the Athenians occupied the town of Scandea near the harbour, and appointing a garrison for Cythera, sailed to Asine, Helus, and most of the places on the sea, and making descents and passing the night on shore at such spots as were convenient, continued ravaging the country for about seven days.

By the Thebans

It now seemed somewhat more certain that they would make no further attempt upon the city; and in fact their army departed thence and took the road toward Helos and Gytheium. And they burned such of the towns as were unwalled and made a three days' attack upon Gytheium, where the Lacedaemonians had their dockyards.

By the Lacedaemonians

The Lacedaemonians laid waste Helos, an Achaean town on the coast, and won a battle against the Argives who came to give aid to the Helots.

By Philip the Macedon

Changing the direction of his march he (Philip) next made for the arsenal of the Lacedaemonians, which is called Gythium and has a secure harbour, being about two hundred and thirty stades distant from Sparta. Leaving this place on his right he encamped in the district of Helos, which taken as a whole is the most extensive and finest in Laconia. (Polybius 5,19)

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