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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Information about the place for destination: "ROUSTIKA Village NIKIFOROS FOKAS".

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  Roustika, 21km from Rethimnon, is a village in central Rethimnon on a left branch (at 16km) of the old road to Chania. The village maintains some aspects of traditional village architecture and traces of its Venetian past.

This text is cited Nov 2002 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Roustika is mentioned by Barozzi (1577), Kastrofilakas (1583) and Vasilikatas (1630), as well as in the Ottoman census of 1671 and the Egyptian one of 1834. In the 1881 census Roustika is given as the seat of a municipality of the same name, with approximately 440 inhabitants - thereafter it appears as the seat of a community. The village nestles among beautiful surroundings and resembles a miniature citadel when viewed from a distance.

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