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Information about the place (3)

Perseus Project index

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


   or Bottiaea (Bottiaia). A district in Macedonia, on the right bank of the river Axius, extending in the time of Thucydides to Pieria on the west. The Bottiaei were a Thracian people, who, being driven out of the country by the Macedonians, settled in that part of the Macedonian Chalcidice north of Olynthus which was called Bottice.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Perseus Project


Bottiaiis, or Bottia, a land called after its earlier inhabitants, driven by the Macedonians into Chalcidice, it lay between the lower courses of the Axius and the Haliacmon. The small wedge-shaped plain coming down to the sea was divided between Ichnae and Pella. The latter, under Philip capital of Macedon, lay 120 stades from the sea. (W. W. How, J. Wells, A Commentary on Herodotus

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