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Listed 4 sub titles with search on: Information about the place for destination: "STRYMONAS River SERRES".

Information about the place (4)

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


   Now Struma, called by the Turks Karasu; an important river in Macedonia, forming the boundary between that country and Thrace down to the time of Philip. It rose in Mount Scomius, flowed first south and then southeast, passed through the lake Prasias, and, immediately south of Amphipolis, fell into a bay of the Aegaean Sea, called after it Strymonicus Sinus.

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Strymonas Delta

A small hydro-biosphere which accommodates a substantial number of aquatic birds that live on the water's edge every year is Strymon's Delta, in Amfipolis. Unfortunately, it sustained a disastrous impact due to the construction of a petrochemical factor's erection, when the public opposition prevented the construction. However, it got damaged by the huge road works, that were constructed at the jundions in Nea Egnatia Motorway.

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


  Strymon (Strumon, Ptol. iii. 13. § 18), the largest river of Macedonia, after the Axius, and, before the time of Philip, the ancient boundary of that country towards the E. It rises in Mount Scomius near Pantalia (the present Gustendil) (Thuc. ii. 96), and, taking first an E. and then a SE. course, flows through the whole of Macedonia. It then enters the lake of Prasias, or Cercinitis, and shortly after its exit from it, near the town of Amphipolis, falls into the Strymonic gulf. Pliny, with less correctness, places its sources in the Haemus (iv. 10. s. 12). The importance of the Strymon is rather magnified in the ancient accounts of it, from the circumstance of Amphipolis being seated near its mouth; and it is navigable only a few miles from that town. Apollodorus (ii. 5. 10) has a legend that Hercules rendered the upper course of the river shallow by casting stones into it, it having been previously navigable much farther. Its banks were much frequented by cranes (Juv. xiii. 167; Virg. Aen. x. 269; Mart. ix. 308). The Strymon is frequently alluded to in the classics. (Comp. Hesiod. Theog. 339; Aesch. Suppl. 258, Agam. 192; Herod. vii. 75; Thuc. i. 200; Strab. vii. p. 323; Mela. ii. 2; Liv. xliv. 44. &c. Its present name is Struma, but the Turks call it Karasu. (Comp. Leake, North. Gr. iii. pp. 225, 465, &c.)

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited September 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

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