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Listed 5 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "ASSOPOS Municipality LACONIA" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (5)

Ancient sanctuaries

Sanctuary of Asclepius Philolaus

ASSOPOS (Ancient city) LACONIA
By the sea is a city Assopus, sixty stades distant from Acriae. In it is a temple of the Roman emperors, and about twelve stades inland from the city is a sanctuary of Asclepius. They call the god Philolaus.

Sanctuary of Athena Kyparissia

On the citadel is also a sanctuary of Athena, surnamed Kyparissia (Cypress Goddess).

Sanctuary of Asclepius

YPERTELEATON (Ancient sanctuary) ASSOPOS
There is also in this district a sanctuary of Asclepius, about fifty stades from Asopus the place where the sanctuary is they name Hyperteleatum.

Ancient temples

Temple of Roman Emperors

ASSOPOS (Ancient city) LACONIA
By the sea is a city Assopus, sixty stades distant from Acriae. In it is a temple of the Roman emperors.



The bones in the gymnasium, which they worship, are human, although of superhuman size.

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