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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Various locations  for wider area of: "NAFPAKTOS Municipality ETOLOAKARNANIA" .

Various locations (3)

Ancient place-names

Chalkis Mountain

Over the mountain was built the city (Strav. 10,2,4). Nowadays named Varassova and Galatas.

Mountain of Taphiassus

Over it, was built the city (Strav. 10,2,4).

Anticyra town

Anticyra, a town in Locris, which most modern commentators identify with the Phocian Anticyra. Livy, however, expressly says (xxvi. 26) that the Locrian Anticyra was situated on the left. hand in entering the Corinthian gulf, and at a short distance both by sea and land from Naupactus; whereas the Phocian Anticyra was nearer the extremity than the entrance of the Corinthian gulf, and was 60 miles distant from Naupactus. Moreover Strabo speaks of three Anticyrae, one in Phocis, a second on the Maliac gulf, and a third in the country of the western Locri, or Locri Ozolae. Horace, likewise, in a well-known passage (Ars Poet. 300) speaks of three Anticyrae, and represents them all as producing hellebore. (Leake, Ibid. p. 543.)

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