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Ancient place-names

Eordaicus river

  Eordaicus (Eordaikos potamos, Arrian, Anab. i. 5. § 5), a river of Upper Macedonia, which has been identified with the Devol, the principal, or at least the longest, branch of the Apsus. This river originates in a lake in the district of Prespa called Ventrok, and makes its way through the remarkable pass of Tzangon, which forms the only break in the great central range of Pindus, from its S. commencement in the mountains of Aetolia to where it is blended to the N. with the summits of Haemus and Rhodope. From thence it flows to the NW. and enters a large lake at the extremity of the plain of Poyani, and, on emerging, winds through a succession of narrow valleys among the great range of mountains which border on the W. of Korytza, till it finally joins the Beratinos or ancient Apsus. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. i. p. 334, vol. iii. p. 281.)

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