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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources  for wider area of: "ERYTHRES Small town ATTIKI" .

Ancient literary sources (2)


When you have turned from Eleusis to Boeotia you come to the Plataean land, which borders on Attica. Formerly Eleutherae formed the boundary on the side towards Attica, but when it came over to the Athenians henceforth the boundary of Boeotia was Cithaeron. The reason why the people of Eleutherae came over was not because they were reduced by war, but because they desired to share Athenian citizenship and hated the Thebans. In this plain is a temple of Dionysus, from which the old wooden image was carried off to Athens. The image at Eleutherae at the present day is a copy of the old one. A little farther on is a small cave, and beside it is a spring of cold water. The legend about the cave is that Antiope after her labour placed her babies into it; as to the spring, it is said that the shepherd who found the babies washed them there for the first time, taking off their swaddling clothes. Of Eleutherae there were still left the ruins of the wall and of the houses. From these it is clear that the city was built a little above the plain close to Cithaeron. (Paus.+1.38.8-9)


ERYTHRES (Ancient city) ATTIKI
According to Strabo Erythrai used to be a big and crowded city whose immigrants founded the Ionian town Erythrai (9,404). Pausanias on the other hand claims that the Erythraeans of Ionia had their origin in Crete.

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