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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources  for wider area of: "VASSILIKA Village MYTILINI" .

Ancient literary sources (3)

Perseus Encyclopedia


PYRRA (Ancient city) MYTILINI



In the interval between Mitylene and Methymna, in the neighborhood of a village called Aegeirus in the Methymnaean territory, the island is narrowest, with a passage of only twenty stadia over to the Euripus of the Pyrrhaeans. is situated on the western side of Lesbos at a distance of one hundred stadia from Malia.(Strabo 13.2.2)
Pyrrha has been razed to the ground, but its suburb is inhabited and has a harbor, whence there is a passage of eighty stadia over hills to Mitylene. (Strabo 13.2.4)



Paches (Athenian commander) reduced Pyrrha and Eresus

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