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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Local gods  for wider area of: "LEVADIA Municipality VIOTIA" .

Local gods (2)

Patron gods


LEVADIA (Ancient city) VIOTIA
A Boeotian god or hero, his oracular shrine consulted by Croesus, by Mardonius, son of Apollo or Erginus, his nurse and children, with his brother Agamedes builds bridal chamber of Alcmena at Thebes, temple of Apollo at Delphi, treasury for Hyrieus at Orchomenus and sanctuary of Poseidon at Mantinea, cuts off head of his brother Agamedes, swallowed up by earth, worshipped at Lebadea, his shrine at Lebadea, his grove, temple, and image at Lebadea, image made by Daedalus, oracle of Trophonius, shield of Aristomenes preserved in shrine of Trophonius.

Zeus the Greatest

VOULIS (Ancient city) VIOTIA

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