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Restoration of Lake Karla


Remarkable selections

Traditional Architecture

  Makrinitsa reached its peak in 18th and 19th century, when in 1881 became the center of its ex-municipality. Its town-planning organisation is based on a fundamental powed street called "back bone",that starts from Koukourava (in 300m altitude) and goes up to Kakouna (800m). A second cobbled path network leads to the very last house of the most widthdrawn neighborhood. In the center of the village the big flagged square in altitude of 630 m, is shadowed by enormous long-lived platans, adorned with a unique water fountain (1809) decorated with rich stone sculptures. Dated since the 18th and 19th century, the majority are three-floored, stone built in their biggest part, apart from sections of the last floor that are more lightly constructed (tsatma). They have a fortress shaping with few and armored windows in the basement, that multiply in the upper floors. They have loopholes, gates, bars, scalders and defensive small towers. The ground plan is shaped depending on the needs of the family and the weather conditions. The basement was used for the yearly food storage. The middle floor with the many fire places was for the family's winter stay and the floor with the glory the kiosk and the "Lounge" for the summer stay. Such mansions are preserved in Makrinitsa like Vaigi Koukourava (1761), Hajikostas, Topalis, Tsibouki, Xiradaki, Mousli, Mavrou and many more .

This text is cited September 2004 from the Community of Makrinitsa URL below, which contains images

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