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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Selected tourism enterprises  for wider area of: "PORTARIA Village VOLOS" .

Selected tourism enterprises (1)


Kritsa Gastronomy Hotel 3 Stars

Tel: +30 24280 99121, 90006
Fax: +30 24280 90008
On the central square of Portaria, amidst the blooming hydrangeas, the ancient plane trees and the running waters from the mountain springs, our hotel offers you warm Greek hospitality. The combination of its romantic rooms, its famous Greek breakfast, as well as the traditional flavors of our restaurant is an authentic experience.

Every morning, delicious smells drift through the hotel as the lavish buffet is prepared, full of the flavors and aromas from the Pelion mountain region. Whatever your preferences, the Greek breakfast experience at Kritsa is bound to be an unforgettable one.

Sign up for the classes we organize and you'll have the opportunity to knead and bake bread in a traditional wood oven, and you'll learn how to cook traditional Greek recipes with organic products, all freely available from the farm's kitchen gardens.

Come and enjoy our hospitality! Experience unforgettable moments with endless walks to explore our magical mountain.

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