The Museum of Contemporary Art of the Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation, was founded in 1979. Apart from the work of the Andriot sculptor M. Tombros, which constitutes the nucleus of the collection, the Museum includes works of the most important Greek artists. Alongside the Greek collection, which is being constantly enriched,
a collection of works by great foreign artists is being put together. In July 1986, the new wing of the Museum was inaugurated, where, to date, international exhibitions of works of Picasso, Kypka, Matisse, Kandinsky, Balthus, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and Paul Klee have been held, as well as exhibitions of works by the well-known Greek artists Bouzianis and Galanis and also, in cooperation with the National
Gallery of Athens, K. N. Karagatsis, N. Hadjikyriakos-Ghikas, D. Mytaras,
A. Fassianos, G. Gaitis, and O. Zouni.