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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources  for wider area of: "KROUNI Village ILIA" .

Ancient literary sources (3)

Homeric Hymns


So the ship ran on its course and came to Arena and lovely Argyphea and Thryon, the ford of Alpheus, and well placed Aepy and sandy Pylos and the men of Pylos;past Cruni it went and Chalcis and past Dyme and fair Elis, where the Epei rule.



At any rate, if one should conceive the notion that the Eleian Pylus is the Pylus of Nestor, the poet could not appropriately say that the ship, after putting to sea from there, was carried past Cruni and Chalcis before sunset

Then comes the mountain of Triphylia that separates Macistia from Pisatis; then another river called Chalcis, and a spring called Cruni, and a settlement called Chalcis

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