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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: History  for wider area of: "YSSIES Ancient city ARGOLIS" .

History (2)


The battle of Hysiae (669-668 BC)

YSSIES (Ancient city) ARGOLIS
(Paus. 2,24,7)

Catastrophes of the place

By the Lacedaemonians (417 PC)

The winter following the Lacedaemonians, hearing of the walls that were building, marched against Argos with their allies, the Corinthians excepted, being also not without intelligence in the city itself; Agis, son of Archidamus, their king, was in command. The intelligence which they counted upon within the town came to nothing; they however took and razed the walls which were being built, and after capturing the Argive town Hysiae and killing all the freemen that fell into their hands, went back and dispersed every man to his city. (Thuc. 5.83.1)

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