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Mythology (4)

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SARDIS (Ancient city) TURKEY
That Iolaus himself died at Sardis along with the Athenians and Thespians who made the crossing with him is admitted even by the Thebans themselves.



The Heraclidae, descendants of Heracles and a female slave of Iardanus, received the sovereignty from these and held it, because of an oracle; and they ruled for twenty-two generations, or five hundred and five years, son succeeding father, down to Candaules son of Myrsus.


Agelaus (Agelaos). A son of Heracles and Omphale, and the founder of the house of Croesus (Apollod. ii. 7.8). Herodotus (i. 7) derives the family of Croesus from one Alcaeus, and. Diodorus (iv. 31) from one Cleolaus, while he calls the son of Heracles and Omphale Larmus, and others Laomedes. (Anton. Lib. 2; Palacphat. de Incred. 45.)


Agron son of Ninus, son of Belus, son of Alcaeus, was the first Heraclid king of Sardis

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