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Location information

Listed 5 sub titles with search on: Various locations  for wider area of: "CHELIDON Mountain EVRYTANIA" .

Various locations (5)

Mountain peaks

N of the main peak

Moschoplai 1640m, Psili Rachi 1549m, Pikrovouni 1637m, Kapsasla 1291m, Kokkala 1005m, Livini 1397m, Ftelia 962m, Elatos 895m, Koskinorracho 1029m.

NE of the main peak

E, S, W, & NW of the main peak

E Ailiades 1379m, Tsiri 1078m, SE Psilo 1699m, Katonia 1198m, S Trypio Vouno 1604m, W Pyrgoulaki 1446m, NW Psili Rachi 959m.


Faucet of Goura

It is N of the village of Milia.


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