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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Archaeological sites  for wider area of: "EGES Ancient city TURKEY" .

Archaeological sites (1)



EGES (Ancient city) TURKEY
  Square building, at the north of the Agora, dating back to the 1st century BC. The entrance was on the south side, and the remains of the building suggest U-shaped rows of stone seats along the walls. Identification of the building as a bouleuterion is based on an inscription on an architrave, typically stating "Antifanis Apollonida Dii Bollaio kai Istia ollaio kai to damo", meaning that Antifanes, son of Apollonides, (dedicates) the building to Zeus Boulaios (patron of town-councils) and to Hestia Boulaia (patroness of the communal hearth) and to the Dimos (the assembly of the citizens). The main proof is the dedication to Hestia, whose cult, concerning public buildings, was mainly associated to the bouleuterion or the prytaneion, holding within the symbolic communal hearth

This text is cited June 2004 from the Foundation of the Hellenic World URL below.

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