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Biographies (6)

Ancient comedy playwrites

Apollodorus, 3rd century BC.

KARYSTOS (Ancient city) EVIA
A Greek poet of the New Comedy, born at Carystus, between B.C. 300 and 260. He wrote forty-seven plays, and won five victories. From him Terence borrowed the plots of his Phormio and Hecyra.

Apollodorus of Carystus. The ancients distinguish between two comic poets of the name of Apollodorus: the one is called a native of Gela in Sicily, and the other of Carystus in Euboea. Suidas speaks of an Athenian comic poet Apollodorus, and this circumstance has led some critics to imagine that there were three comic poets of the name of Apollodorus. But as the Athenian is not mentioned anywhere else, and as Suidas does not notice the Carystian, it is supposed that Suidas called the Carystian an Athenian either by mistake, or because he had the Athenian franchise. It should, however, be remembered that the plays of the Carystian were not performed at Athens, but at Alexandria (Athen. xiv.). Athenaeus calls him a contemporary of Machon; so that he probably lived between the years B. C. 300 and 260. Apollodorus of Carystus belonged to the school of the new Attic comedy, and was one of the most distinguished among its poets. This is not only stated by good authorities, but may also be inferred from the fact, that Terence took his Hecyra and Phormio from Apollodorus of Carystus (A. Mai, Fragm. Plandi et Terenti). According to Suidas Apollodorus wrote 47 comedies, and five times gained the prize. We know the titles and possess fragments of several of his plays; but ten comedies are mentioned by the ancients under the name of Apollodorus alone, and without any suggestion as to whether they belong to Apollodorus of Carystus or to Apollodorus of Gela.


Diocles of Carystus, 4th cent. BC

Diocles Carystius, (Diokles ho Karustios), a very celebrated Greek physician, was born at Carystus in Euboea, and lived in the fourth century B. C., not long after the time of Hippocrates, to whom Pliny says he was next in age and fame. (H. N. xxvi. 6.) He belonged to the medical sect of the Dogmatici (Gal. de Aliment. Facult. i. 1, vol. vi.), and wrote several medical works, of which only the titles and some fragments remain, preserved by Galen, Caelius Aurelianus, Oribasius, and other ancient writers. The longest of these is a letter to king Antigonus, entitled Epistole Prophulaktike, " A Letter on Preserving Health," which is inserted by Paulus Aegineta at the end of the first book of his medical work, and which, if genuine, was probably addressed to Antigonus Gonatas, king of Macedonia, who died B. C. 239, at the age of eighty, after a reign of forty-four years. It resembles in its subject matter several other similar letters ascribed to Hippocrates (see Ermerins, Anecd. Med. Graeca, praef.), and treats of the diet fitted for the different seasons of the year. It is published in the various editions of Paulus Aegineta, and also in several other works.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Diocles of Carystus (c. 240-180 BC)

240 - 180


Antigonus, epigrammatist, 2nd c. B.C.

Antigonus (Antigonos), of Carystus, is supposed by some to have lived in the reign of Ptolemaeus Philadelphus, and by others in that of Euergetes. Respecting his life nothing is known, but we possess by him a work called historion paradoxon sunagoge (Historiae Mirabiles), which consists for the most part of extracts from the "Auscultationes" attributed to Aristotle, and from similar works of Callimachus, Timaeus, and others which are now lost. It is only the circumstance that he has thus preserved extracts from other and better works, that gives any value to this compilation of strange stories, which is evidently made without skill or judgment. It was first edited, together with Antoninus Liberalis, by Xylander, Basel, 1568. The best editions are those of Meursius, Lugd. Bat. 1619 and of J. Beckmann, Leipzig, 1791. Antigonus also wrote an epic poem entitled Antipatros, of which two lines are preserved in Athenaeus (iii. p. 82). The Anthologia Graeca (ix. 406) contains an epigram of Antigonus.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Diocles, Julius

Diocles, Julius, (Ioulios Diokles), of Carystus, the author of four epigrams in the Greek Anthology (Brunck, Anal. ii. 182; Jacobs, ii. 167). His name implies that he was a Greek, and had obtained the Roman civitas. Reiske supposed him to be the same person as the rhetorician Diodes of Carystus, who is often mentioned by Seneca. Others suppose him to be the same as the physician. The name of the poet himself is variously written in the titles to his epigrams. (Jacobs, xiii. 882, 883)

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