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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Religious figures biography  for wider area of: "AKO Ancient port ISRAEL" .

Religious figures biography (1)



AKO (Ancient port) ISRAEL
Antiochus (Antiochos), bishop of Ptolemais in Palestine, was a Syrian by birth. At the beginning of the 5th century after Christ, he went to Constantinople, where his eloquent preaching attracted such attention, that he was called by some another Chrysostom. He afterwards took part warmly with the enemies of Chrysostom, and died not later than 408 A. D. Besides many sermons, he left a large work "against Avarice," which is lost. (Gennad. 20; Theodoret. Dial. ii. ; Phot. Cod. 288; Act. Concil. Ephes. iii.)

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