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The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


YLLARIMA (Ancient city) TURKEY
  Site in Caria, near the villages of Mesevle and Kapraklar, 20 km S of Bozdogan. The identity of the site, and the existence of the city at least as early as the 3d c. B.C., are proved by an inscription found in 1934. Hyllarima came under Rhodian domination between 189 and 167 B.C., and even after that time the inscriptions continue to show evidence of Rhodian influence. The city had in its territory a number of isolated rural sanctuaries, of which the most notable is that of Zeus Hyllos. The coinage is of Imperial date. The extant ruins are considerable, including an agora, a theater, and a synagogue.

G. E. Bean, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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